By tarini - 27/05/2009 20:12 - Bangladesh

Today, I got an acceptance later to a great boarding school in India for my senior year of high school. I sent them a letter telling them I wouldn't go, because I just got back with my ex-boyfriend. I just got a text from my boyfriend. Guess who's my ex again? FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 743
You deserved it 122 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maxv_15 0

DUUUUURRRRRRRRRR. you so deserved that one. making life changing decisions based on your EX boyfriend... HAHAHA. YOU LOSE

Jordie210 0

wow. don't let a boy stop you from doing something you want to do.


americayay 0

yeah, that was a bit much. on an ex. really on anyone you aren't engaged to. btw, 373, i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 3 years and i have one of the happiest marriages i know of. don't make huge generalizations based on YOUR experiences.

I'm sorry, but you're an idiot. Blowing off education for a guy you had problems with before? YDI.

:O Turning down India AND an offer to go to a good school? For a boyfriend who obviously wasn't serious about you? I am not the strongest or most hardcore feminist, but you probably set the movement back a few decades...

That's why you put yourself before others. You can only make others happy if you are truly happy, otherwise you are just.... I'm just bs'ing i could care less, life is a journey, what do i know? Not very much I can assure you that :D live, screw up, have fun, that's all you can do...just don't be like me and spend your Saturday nights reading FML stories

So, making a life decision based on someone who already dumped you once... YDI, totally.

#366, because she is smart and not messed, you retard!!

Comicmischief 0

How could you have even been accepted?

I did this before and have completely regretted it. But now I'm back in college and in a great relationship with another guy. I definitely learned from my experiences. I hope that you will too later on.

anonymous_one_26 0

You deserve that. You are pathetic. You are in highschool. Way to go throwing away a possible step towards your future.