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By littlestardramaq - 06/07/2010 03:48 - United Kingdom

Today, I got an email from my cousin to "save the date" for her baby shower. It's on my 21st birthday. This is the same cousin who got engaged on my 18th. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 591
You deserved it 4 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Raleigh_bruh 7

Question is, do you plan on going?

punch her in the gut!!... wait... yeah punch her in the gut!!! XD


Raleigh_bruh 7

Question is, do you plan on going?

aznpopgrl02 0

I kno how it feels own sister scheduled to do my sister-in-law's baby shower on my 21st bday..ended up going and help setting up the baby shower..and went to walmart for my 21st bday =_=

It just seems as though her cousin keeps stealing the thunder of significant birthdays in our culture. 16, 18, 21...all meant to be days about you. The engagement--maybe she couldn't control it, but she could have definitely chosen another day for the shower unless the baby's going to be bursting out a day later.

Haha Josh I like your pic. Op maybe its a coincidence. You can stop by her baby shower briefly and still party for your birthday.

Guess she hates you or you're really just unlucky. FYL

FFML_314 11

Yeah I would be slightly annoyed. The baby shower thing I can understand more then getting engaged? It's not like she had her engagement party on OPs birthday. I guess I just don't see the FML in this scenario. The baby shower won't go all day. I say just make the best of your birthday.

the first time was fair enough. this time you should screw them all, rent a pub or hall out, and invite all your friends and make the family choose. not nice at all, but then, since when are other people nice nowadays :@

well as long as your party isn't on the same day as your birthday, you should be fine.

pingpongpickle 8

next time you need to beat her to it..plan a bday party and send invitations a few weeks before and then your life won't be ****** (:

Lol thanks Josh. I think it's appropriate to say rawr now. 

kellanlvr 1

dang what a dickhole i say you pee in her cheerios

ellielovesyuh 0

haha. sounds like an attention ***** xP but yeah just don't go and go partyyy :D

LexaDear 0

You should slap the baby. It deserves it for ruining your birthday >:|

Pray to God that she won’t die at your wedding

16s a retard getting married and getting engaged are 2 diffrent things

pingpongpickle 8

lol 70- what a stupid *****!! how could she die at someone wedding??

Ya...and considering the cousin's a girl, something tells me that she had no control over the getting engaged I highly doubt the guy would had known that that was the OP's birthday (and that probably would have been the farthest thing from his mind) when he decided to do it, and the cousin (or whoever planned the shower) probably figured that the day she got engaged would be a good time to have, clearly it's just a coincidence Oh, and don't be a douche OP, not everything has to be about you

your cousin wants to be in the limelight

jakymoon 0
ily4life 0

I agree like I said you should get super drunk there and it will ruin everything:D

YourEvilHero 12

omg I feel like I'm going to blow chucks of bird seed

pingpongpickle 8

captain, somebody who was invited can't crash! hahah. :)

op, you know you're going to fly out to Vegas, become intoxicated so much you only remember checking into your hotel room. at least that's what I'm going to do, after I hit the bars at hermosa beach. :D

TheEricCartman 0

I know, one tyme my birthday was forgotten about because there was a fight with Jesus and satan. I was pissed, stupid asshole friends...

you can bet she'll die on your 22nd

myo mom had surgery on my bday last year and cuz of the anesthesia she wasn't making any sense all day. haha

I was hoping cartman would say "I'm not fat I'm big boned"

engaged on the same day is a coincidence, scheduling a baby shower on her cousin's 21st birthday at least shows some sign of being on purpose.

FreeRunn3r 12

when you turn 16 or 18 it's really nothing to celebrate, now when you turn 21 that's a real celebration moment!

TheBreaKer_fml 0

bring some vodka and spike the drinks happy 21st to you

Just have your birthday party on another day OP, ffs. If you're bitching about this, you probably have no friends to invite to your birthday, so how's this a problem?

pingpongpickle 8

16 is a celebration of driving and also for people who get cars on their 16th bday

FreeRunn3r 12
pingpongpickle 8

oh. well okay :)cuz I really don't care about alcohol ..I just wana driive.

80- your birthday is about you! it's her day to shine and her cousin is stealing it. Perhaps her cousin had the engagement party on her b-day that's why it's a big deal. And who has baby showers on their engagement day?

aliasISM 0

WTF pee in her cheerios? hahaha

Pip pip cheerio op, those are just coincidences that her engagement and baby shower happen to be on your birthday.

Yo thts the time wen it's legal to get shitfukinfaced in sum places

do your 21st in Vegas and book it with ur close friends and f*ck that baby shower

Damn **** that baby, you can see that brat your whole life.

it's alright for you, in england we have to wait till we're 17 to apply for a provisional. just started applying last week :)

Football_5tar_JR 0

10 pic ftw. if they didn't have that rapist on their team, they would be shit. But OP just go and make your party late, every problem has a solution<3

#1 This is false, babies do not take a shower and even if they did, no one invites people to watch.

**** your aunt and suck your dog, that's all you deserve. Hahahhahaahhaahhahah little matey.

If you send me a stick, I can use it to rape you and make it fit in all thy strength so small holes. I am of the UDC and organize orgies with a woman to five men. If you're interested, call me.

nightELFassasin6 0

was that supposed to be funny 48

zoolu6879 0

Go out get wasted and send her the pics. Then remind her that if she boozes she will be harming the baby.

akkimber 0
tiger69 0

no, #11 is totally right. plus, the op is from london so a 21st birthday isn't significant at all. yea 18 is and who gives a shit, im sure your cousins FIANCE didnt know. get over and grow up

chocolatedrop 0

I don't see what the big deal is. Stop being a baby.

kellanlvr 1

no? means ruin her day 188

StopTheFuckinCar_fml 0

get her a card then go do shit for your bday w/ your friends... not a big deal, not a fml

I don't know any of my cousins' birthdays. Then again, we live far apart. if I was planning a baby shower I really wouldn't be taking into account when their birthday is

ydi for being a woman divineshadow001 swg

**** that, get wasted. baby showers is like a mini Christmas for expected mothers. the baby being born is another thing. 21birtjday . go get drunk, have a DD (no drinking and driving) and get crunk

16: you've reached the age where you can hold a license or permit (depending on the state), granting you more mobility. 18: you're "legal" -- that is to say, you're officially an adult. you can pretty much do everything you were doing at 16, but with more adulthood! you can also fornicate and be tried in court like an adult. you may also be in college, which is arguably both awesome and a great place to start drinking. and you can do things like sign a contract and join the military! 21: you can drink legally! unless you're in certain foreign nations, and you can drink at 18. same shit applies, only you're older. big ******* deal. my point is: 16 & 18 &gt; 21, in terms of milestone achievements in aging. |the kid|

life happens... everyone does not have you as their first priority so get over yourself already!

aqua10 0

it's not your fault your cousin is a selfish dumbass. why should it stop you from enjoying the one day for the year when it's supposed to be all about you? just don't go to her baby shower.

Wait, since when did having a birthday give anyone the right to be a self-centered ****? I hardly think the cousin intentionally got engaged on OP's birthday and intentionally threw a baby shower on the same day 3 years later, just to spite OP. That would involve planning when her man proposed, and planning the pregnancy so that the most convenient day for the shower fell exactly on OP's birthday again. Hardly likely. Given that they're just cousins, she probably doesn't even know when OP's birthday is, and just sent out a mass email invitation to everyone she knows. That's hardly being selfish. It's called "coincidence".

hannahpie45 0

kill the baby, then there will be no baby shower, oh wait, then she will just plan the funeral there instead

StiffNips 0

What a bitch. She's doing it on purpose, don't go to it ae

When she goes into labor on your 22 birthday pretend you think her baby is her birthday present to you, take it and move to mexico untill the baby is a teenager then give it back.

Ughh I no how it's feels my aunt got married two days after my birthday there for riding in a car with my idiot brother for 5/6 hours to get there ):

lolita88_fml 27

Yup, because it's totally the baby's fault.

lol no big loss there quit yer bitchin

No big loss? Really? Now op feels that he/she has to go to a baby shower, instead of celebrating his 21st, which is even more important than his/her 18th, because their thunder was stolen that night by the same cousin!!

That depends where you live, actually. I don't know about the UK but I know that 21 doesn't mean shit where I live. The important ones are 16 for driving, 18 for voting and being a legal adult, and 19 for being able to drink/ smoke/ play lottery/ whatever you want to do. And I would think that being able to drive or becoming a legal adult would be a bigger deal than being allowed to drink because anyone who cares that much about drinking already has been for years anyway, legal or not. I was way more excited for my 18th than I was for my 19th.

21st is a big deal in the UK. 19th is the same as any other. We celebrate 16, 18 and 21st

punch her in the gut!!... wait... yeah punch her in the gut!!! XD

nightELFassasin6 0

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway

I'm guessing the guy who commented before me knows his shit at 100%.. and anything he says shall go. do us all a favor, wear a turtle neck with a paper bag along with an astronaut suit and a blanket covering your whole body

lolita88_fml 27

#189 - you're a f**king asshat, you have no right to judge someone on their appearance.

ShadowedHuman 5

she has it out for you, huh?

it's just a birthday. you're 21 now; not 8.

Raleigh_bruh 7

Aha, he does look like a young Dave Mustaine.

FreeRunn3r 12

No You're doing it wrong COW!!!!

I'm a girl. Not everyone who has long blonde hair looks like Dave Mustaine. Sometimes they're girls.

21 is actually a big birthday for some people. along with there 18th .

#7, you pretty much missed the point of this FML didn't you?

you should call her out on it op. this is kind of messed up of her. Does she realize it is your birthday?

so just don't go, does it really matter that much?

jakymoon 0

u know I just ******* go to it and give her like somthing shitty and say that's what's u get for having ur baby shower on my birthday Bitch! then like go break her car door window and drive away lol best plan then l8r some how get husband to flirt with u then POW a devoivrocis PERFECT plan has worked in past

pingpongpickle 8

you've done that before 76? nice :)

jakymoon 0

had to pay for the window but they got devorised excuse the spellin Im on my itouch kinda small key board lol as 81 u look nice:D

pingpongpickle 8
jakymoon 0

any time lol ha ha. >Grabin Pillz<

A bit dramtic lol. Its just a birthday .

jakymoon 0
sarahmcgeee 5

just get effed up to celebrate your birthday then go to the baby shower. win-win?