By Tireddddddd - 31/07/2011 05:45 - United States

Today, I got back from camp. My camp-mates? A girl who refused to shower the entire week, a girl who threatened to hurt me several times, a snorer, my princess of a sister who took forever in the mornings, and a counselor who watched us sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 549
You deserved it 3 437

Same thing different taste

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And a fifth camper who complained the whole time.


I thought you had to be 18 to use **** My Life? Well , I'm glad you weren't raped, chopped into bits and buried in woods by a guy wearing a hockey mask!

A glimpse outside your limited experience. The world is full of people. Most are not like you. Some are gifted, smart, creative, driven and worth knowing. Some are strange or just boring. Most are somewhat self centered. There are some really good, some in between, and some really bad players out there. Your camp experience builds character and is source material for endless stories. You are better off for going, you just don't know it yet.

So what was your weird fault that lead you to be there

for some reason I read that as crapmates. and I was like what the hell?

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