By Tay Tay - 19/11/2010 13:55

Today, I got dumped after about a four year relationship. Feeling lonely and depressed, I posted on facebook, "is hurt, someone please text or call me." Then one of my cousins commented, "no one text him." His comment got 17 "likes." No one got in contact with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 441
You deserved it 9 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're allowed to call people personally to ask for support. if you post it that publicly on fb, you're just being whiny.


youfailed18 0

Your cousin is a douche. Stop complaining. I am bias on this FML.

ulicksam 0

It would be one thing if it were just your cousin, but if 17 people agree, you must be awful whiney. YDI.

"Someone please call or text me?" **** that shit. Post, "I'm single again, big party at my place!"

Carbonite2010 0

haha I would have put "just broke up with [her name here] but it's okay, I found her best friend to be hotter smarter and dinner than her" total dick move to get back at her

consider this a text. I hope your pain lessens with each passing day. your cousin and the other 17 douches can go to hell!!!

by the way, break ups are painful and there is set time or way to deal with it. take time to grieve and ignore all the people who tell u otherwise! just know that at some point u must try to move on with your life.

ashrandom 0

Your cousin is a jerk. Get some rest and go out.

mintcar 9

I'm so sorry about your breakup but I'm so sick of people taking FB so seriously. I understand the FML here but try to get over it OP. Not the breakup but the "17 likes" your cousin received.

Yeah, since when did FB become the supreme decision on the worthiness of your current emotional state. These people aren't Caesar giving you a thumbs up or down, deciding your fate.

I don't pay attention to those who use facebook as an outlet. I'm a good guy, I help those when they come to me for help, not text/facebook me. Go call and talk to someone. And for everyone calling him whiny, go get a girl. Girls don't like assholes, so have fun with your 'pump and dump' ego.

It is true that hardly anyone caters to someone wanting a pity party on the internet.. Even off the internet.. Do yourself a favor OP. Take a shower till the water gets cold. Shave. Smell good. Whatev. Then go out and buy yourself some great smelling shower gel or a whole new bed set that YOU like. Works like a charm at getting yourself back to life :)