By Anonymous - 30/04/2013 18:24 - United States - Pompton Plains

Today, I got home from work and found my girlfriend waiting for me in some skimpy lingerie. She ended up pushing me onto the bed, and as I lay there, expecting to be pleasured, she pulled out a pair of adult-sized footsie pajamas and dressed me in them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 973
You deserved it 8 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Was she trying to be kinky? Or was she trying to feel what it's like to molest a child? That's some effed up shit. Bolt right now!

Hey onesies are cute. Me and my girlfriend both have them.

Wizardo 33

Hopefully it had built-in socks and a Batman design... if not at least Zebra flannel.

perdix 29

I like **** with drawn out intros. It lets me get my popcorn ready (and cover it) and my soda (and cover it) and my array of lotions (and cover them). I'm ready, now. OK, she's dressed you up in children's PJs, now what?

perdix 29

#29, of course, you dare ask. Cover them with heavy duty plastic sheeting, 9 mil thick or better. Why I'm covering them, you may not dare ask ;)

flockz 19

is it so you don't spill them perdix? *innocent face*

perdix 29

#34, congrats! You got it on the first guess!

We just need OP to have a ballin' mustache and some 80s porno music on in the background.

why and how did you not follow through with this????

Maybe she has "A Christmas Story" fetish? Pink bunny PJs are hot!

perdix 29

#31, "He looks like a deranged Easter Bunny!"