By Anonymous - 30/04/2013 18:24 - United States - Pompton Plains

Today, I got home from work and found my girlfriend waiting for me in some skimpy lingerie. She ended up pushing me onto the bed, and as I lay there, expecting to be pleasured, she pulled out a pair of adult-sized footsie pajamas and dressed me in them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 973
You deserved it 8 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments


What the ****'s a footsie pajama? Uncle googles doesn't give me much...

Really? Because I googled it, and it showed me exactly what they are.

Was it a giraffe onesie? Did you pass out from the heat?

Everyone has their fetishes... It could be worse, she could have a tentacle fetish.

BOOM LOL you got trolled by your girlfriend.

I don't get it? Apparently you didn't either.

Must have been going for that pedophile-babysitter roleplay.

That is hilarious!! Maybe she likes it like that

melacortez 11

I rock Onesies of funsies don't knock it till you have tried it!!!

alluringtatas 7
Adi4927 5