By Anonymous - 21/03/2009 03:10 - United States

Today, I got hypnotized in front of my entire school. Once I was hypnotized the guy told me that the hottest celebrity in the world was in the audience and then he told me to point out who I saw. I said I saw Mick Jagger. I'm a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 794
You deserved it 10 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've been "hypnotized" but it didn't really work on me so I am still skeptical about it. I just listened to what the guy told me to do and did it anyway just for fun.

zidane312 0

If Mick Jagger tickes your fancy than kudos to you, bro.


LuckyCharms_fml 0

@ #1 hypnosis only works if you give yourself over to it. Some people are very subconsciously protective of their psyches and can't let go enough to be hypnotist. Some people are very different, I've seen hypnosis be successful. And OP, Mick Jagger is fine, don't be embarrassed

You're a guy, and clearly a homophobe. FYL for that one Mick Jagger is gettin a little old too... unless you like huge lips that happen to be a little wrinkly

nellyphant 18

I'm not entirely sure where you get the idea he's a homophobe from! He's embarrassed because he told the whole school the hottest celebrity is mick jagger whilst hypnotised! I think most people would be embarrassed by that!

why did u sign up for getting hypnotized in the first place? XD

According to one of the local radio stations here, it's not gay unless balls are touching. My personal requirements are a little more strict, but hey, according to them you're fine.

starbaby 0

Hey you got lucky I got hypnotized at my school when I was much younger and was told to point out my crush. That sucked!

By chance was the hypnotist Tony Lee? ... it seems like something he would get someone to do

kellster 2

Welcome to being gay! Whoo! It's a fun place! Embrace it!

messyfoola89 0

The word "guy" is not equal to heterosexual. A guy can be a gay, too.

And that is why I will never volunteer to get hypnotized in front of a crowd like that. :)