By cramps - 17/09/2009 13:59 - Australia

Today, I got my period. 10 minutes into a 3 hour exam. Apparently they are serious when they say you may not leave the room under any circumstances. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 206
You deserved it 4 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLisright 0

obviously your professor is a man. fyl

should've yelled: "OHSHIT somebody help me!! i'm bleeding!!" xD


FYL, I'm sure every girl could relate in some way.

KayleeFrye 39

I'm surprised how little men know about periods. I'm not saying they should know every little detail or anything, but they should at least have the general idea. OP, that really sucks, and I can sympathize. To all the jackasses saying YDI for not knowing your cycle, try growing a brain and realizing that every woman is different. If you are lucky enough to have a regular cycle, good on you. Maybe the OP is irregular! What is she supposed to do, stick a tampon in everyday, or wear a bulky pad? And I repeat: men, do a little research! Added bonus, if you're properly informed. you won't make any "She's bitchy, it must be that time of the month" comments and get slapped! Winners all around!

Wow, all these comments, and nobody recommended that OP should sue? I'm impressed! This is fmylife, right? Oh, and also, I just have to say something about Aunt Irma.....

cupcakeqt 0

u poor thing! god i would have sat on his desk xD. what a douche. fyl.

Kileytaj 0

oh my..i cant even begin to explain how sorry iam for you D: thats absolutely HORRIBLE what kind of ******* school doesnt let you leave under that circumstance???

caticaticati 3

I think 7 days is usually long. Somewhere between 3 and 5 days is more regular.

Stop bitching about your ******* periods, for gods sake. This is not a goddamn pajama party. Things like this are why they shouldn't allow women in universities.

bubblyblonde 0

wow. i cant believe how ignorant u are.sexist and u shouldnt comment.women shouldnt be allowed into university because they get periods?ur clearly an idiot.

Your misogynistic views are astonishing, to be honest. To think that there's still someone like this in society is disgusting.

Nononono, you all misunderstand me. Women shouldn't be allowed into universities because of their periods. They shouldn't be allowed in because they are simply less intellectually capable than men. Only two women have won a Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry or Economics in its entire history without sharing it with a man. That's fact; I'm so sorry.

**** you douche bag. Are you saying women shouldn't have careers because of something they can't even control? Oh and i suppose that also makes them retarded! God you're such a dim wit. More like men like you shouldn't be allowed in universities. Also, count all the period related fml's on this site and tell me how many there is. I guarantee there's alot more related to male masturbating. (none of which we want to hear about) so go **** yourself, i assure you you will get nowhere in life, thank you very much.

Wrong, bitch. I work as a business analyst for Bain & Company. Hoping to get my MBA in two years time. Enjoy your career at whatever petrol station you work at.

roasbelle 0

you're such an asshole. go kill yourself

nonynony 0

I think you're forgetting something--in the past, when women didn't win Nobel Prizes and such, it's not because they weren't as capable or smart... it's because they WEREN'T ALLOWED TO STUDY THOSE FIELDS. Even in the recent past, women have been denied jobs and higher education, even if they out-qualified their male competitors on all counts. I realize you're just being a troll, but I think this is a pretty simple fact that many (simple-minded) people forget.

HAH. i'm only in grade eleven, but i can bet you anything i have more brain cells in one tiny fraction of my brain than you do in your entire brain. i'll have you know i'm the president of my grade, fast-tracking physics and bio, and guess what? every year i never graduated with less than a 95 average. suck on that! and maybe the reason women only won two nobel prizes is because they were suppressed by men for such a long time. honestly since when does a nobel prize define someone's intellect? people like you make me sick.

drawinggirl1391 3

You know who doesn't have a girlfriend here..HA! I hope you die a painful death and that no one comes to your funeral. :]

So you think people should never be allowed to leave the room? I bet you would be singing a different song if you had uncontrollable diarrhea, a head-splitting migraine, or a kidney stone. And what do you think? Women like having periods? And that they can control them? I'd like to see any male try and handle one. Everyone knows that men are the most pathetic involving any type of sickness or medical-related pain. Don't judge until you know what it's like.

First of all freudianego, you sir are a douche. Second of all, you are hoping to get your MBA in two years time. woo hoo. I'm getting my M.A. in experimental psychology in two years time too, not that huge of an accomplishment. Oh yeah, and I have one of those newfangled vaginas that you seem to dislike so much, and I'm in a "man's field," statistics and research. By the way, I graduated from the honors department of my undergraduate university with a 3.8 GPA, where I was accompanied by mostly women. That's right, the best and brightest at my school were mostly WOMEN (even though the gender proportion is about 1-1). Your argument fails.

God help you if you are doing statistics, because if you are going to try and infer anything from that infinitesimal sample of "your class" then you have a rocky road ahead. And if you want to try logic, you've shown nothing that prove anything more than a mere correlation between gender and academic performance. I look forward to you thesis. The letters 'GPA' mean nothing to me; not everyone comes from the Arrogant States of America. And how long will women blame "the past" for their inadequacies? What about the last 50 years? Still no achievers. Tough luck; maybe you'll have to start doing something of importance with your lives now. And yes, I am an excellent troll, thank you.

freudianego- I'll address your comment about arrogance first. I was countering your MBA argument, that as a man who will get his MBA in 2 years you are somehow awesome. I'm sorry that I assumed you would know what a GPA (grade point average- out of 4) is, but now you do. Moving on to statistics and research. It's a wonderful field, and yes, I know that a sample size of one college is insufficient, it's called anecdotal evidence which is linked to a general trend. There are far more women doing important research today than there were 50 years ago. In fact, there is fear that women will begin out-competing men in many fields soon. They are already seeing higher dropout rates in males than in females, and lower grade point averages as well as subsequent job success. Your correlation argument is shoddy because you cannot correlate a dichotomous variable (gender). You can only perform an ANOVA (that's analysis of variance). And the ANOVA's and even MANCOVAs (multiple analysis of covariance, which takes many factors, and how they correlate into account) show a change in these relationships; the trends do exist buddy. I hate to tell you, but they do. You are sadly unaware of the fact that women have been contributing a great deal to science lately. Just look at Jane Goodall's primatalogical research which has had an incredible impact on our understanding of our own species. Also look into Carol Gilligan who challenged Kohlberg's assumptions about moral development. Or how about Beatrice Tinsley who changed our understanding of the chronological changes that take place in a galaxy. She effectively created our current model of protogalaxies. Just because you choose to ignore the presence of women in science does not mean they are not there, or will go away. It just means you are choosing to be ignorant. My thesis will be public record soon enough, though I'm not sure if your pride would allow you to read it. I'm assuming to you something of importance a woman can do is cook and make babies for you? Hopefully your genes will end with you and the sock you rub on each night. By the way, I know men and women have different research interests, skills, and traits. For example, the testosterone in your body (combined with some other experiences I know not of) has contributed to the douche we see before us. Hazaah

drawinggirl1391 3

Katatak, you are freakin' awesome :D you really made me laugh at the end. you totally made my day..and its only 1AM

women are less intellectually capable then men???? u really r a douche.U saying that just proves how stupid men can really be. women tend to be smarter and more rational then males. and lets face it, how many of the professors at ur university teaching you, are women? im assuming theres at least a couple. what about female doctors, and lawyers, and judges? what about women like oprah winfrey, who is the richest woman in the world. She didnt make all that money being a dumb bitch. I havent started university yet, but in high school the smartest people in my class were always females. Honour roll: females. How about this, u think women shouldnt be allowed in universities? how about disrespectful pricks like you shouldnt be allowed to be a member of society. we should ship u all off to live on an island for chauvinistic assh*les like you. Back to the FML, how would u like to sit in pants full of blood for 3 HOURS....not fun. And whoever said YDI for not wearing a pad just in case.....WHO THE HELL DOES THAT???lol if its not expected, ur not even thinking about it. OP, i feel for u, and i know it sucks.....but u should file a report, cause thats bull.

I have been waiting for someone like you to bring out a comment like that, because I live in a country where women OUTPERFORM men at the final exams at school. yes, a counterexample! those happen too! (the difference isn't great, though) Women for years weren't allowed into universities, and you're wondering why during all those years they haven't won any awards for research... You can read about Emmy Noether's story, for a very good example of why women haven't won any prizes.

Glad I could make your day. Felt like a good day for an ass ripping

theshinepolice 0

so AMERICANS are arrogant, well since i only live in america that may be true, but you seem pretty arrogant yourself? so you think you're really better than about half of the population? what about marie curie? and then there was the woman, Meitner, who discovered fission, but of course a man took the credit, so seriously you're argument is arrogant and stupid. oh yeah, and you can go to your universities with only males, because that's all you seem to like right? i really hope so because with that train of thought you will not get a good girlfriend. and im sure if a rule was passed that women weren't allowed to go to college, lots of men would hate that as well because guess what, men and women like being together. who wants to go to a college without both sexes? and both sexxes deserve to be in college i personally wouldn't.

ky_stone22 0

Hahaha, katatak and bubblyblonde make my life. Freudianago...not even worth it OP: Damn I'm not sure it can suck any worse than that. Well, for girls at least. Guys don't really need to worry about that ;). Lucky ducks!

Just so you know there is more women that takes higher education then men. They can get a handy-work job after 12 years of education and earn more money then a woman with 16 years education, because of the sexdiscrimination!

try looking this up. women have a slightly higher IQ then men

CandyCanenomer 4

Without women, you wouldn't be here.

Really, you asshole? You think males have it easy? We get nut shots every week or so(accidentally, fights, etc etc) we're considered babies if we cry in public, and a whole lot of other things. Don't even bring up the "if males had babies" argument, because one word: endorphins.

I'm pretty sure you would not be spewing this inconsiderate bullshit if you bled out of your penis for a week every month. Prick.

prettystoopid 0

had to be a male teacher, so sorry that really sucks :(

the_stereotype 0

you might be a man? btw, they don't care about your time. i think it's more of a cheating thing. either way, the rules are super-strict OP, that really really sucks for you. i can't imagine going through that.

I just had a great (albeit disgusting) idea: You should have written your name in blood (and any multiple choice questions too)... make him deal with it. At least he wouldn't be able to accuse you of lying