By cramps - 17/09/2009 13:59 - Australia

Today, I got my period. 10 minutes into a 3 hour exam. Apparently they are serious when they say you may not leave the room under any circumstances. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 206
You deserved it 4 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLisright 0

obviously your professor is a man. fyl

should've yelled: "OHSHIT somebody help me!! i'm bleeding!!" xD


that sucks! and really bad timing. they should have let u go. u should have said it was a "female problem" it works all the time no matter wat ;)

x0SoReckless0x 7

the same thing happened to me!!!! it actually soaked through my jeans too, which REALLY sucked :

the lenght of test and exams are insane o have an exam that's was 4 hours that's just horrible that u couldn't leave

WitchCirce 0

Look at it this way: You got the red badge of courage. On your bum.

awh that's such a gross feeling. fyl D:

I can usually tel the moment that mine starts. I cramp in specific way and (sorry to be gross) I can feel the moisture of the blood.

Many times you get cramping and it can feel like you wet your pants when it starts. Of course that depends on how heavy it is at the start (varies for me).

FUCKKKKKKKKK YOURRRRRRRR LIFEEEEEEEEEE! yup yup. that sucks tho. try to be more prepaird next time, ok?

Queen_of_Night 20

Don't know about Australia but here in the states that's illegal.

Kansasgirl 0

Here in the states it is not illegal. I took my CNA State exam and under no circumstances were you allowed out during the test otherwise you would give up your test and risk not even getting your nursing license.

yeah, that's only illegal in mandated education (i.e. public school grades K-12). Universities can do whatever they want... and it's not like public schools are know for proper use of the law anyway

pretty sure if you have a medical disability they have to otherwise you can sue them

OwMyToe 0

Wow, FYL :( Hasn't happened to me before, but that's just about my worst fear xD

orlandogirl4life 11

ahhhh that sucks. sympathy OP!

janefrom1979 0

That happened to me yesterday. :/ I hope that you didn't get horrible cramps because that happened to me and I couldn't concentrate.