By Anonymous - 12/02/2013 23:01 - United States

Today, I got my very first yeast infection. Thinking she would help me, I went to my mom. Instead she began yelling about how I'm lying and it's an STD and I don't believe in the power of Jesus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 930
You deserved it 3 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

btstig 11

The power of Christ compels you........ To clean that shit up!!

just go to a drugstore & take care of that shit yourself.


Put some garlic and plain yogurt! It'll keep the vampires away and cure it at the same time.

That's NOT the way to cure it! Garlic isn't the best things for mucus membranes and probiotica in yogurts is NOT the same you find in your ******. Yogurt was a good cure when it was all natural, but not what is sold in stores today. It's MUCH more safe to just go to the apothecary and get suppositories.

Probably the first time ive heard the word "apothecary" being used outside of a medieval video game. Mind successfuly blown. :o

Ok, drugstore, then. In the language I usually talk "apothecary" is the word one uses. Big deal.

I don't think apollojon was insulting you, katties. His surprise sounded more like the pleasant kind than the "what the **** are YOU" kind.

Apothecary is pretty common outside the US. So is chemist, actually.

Link5794 18

Chemist is common inside the US.

HelloChrissy 9

My BF from New Zealand says Chemist. It's kinda funny. Never heard Apothecary outside of a video game either.

Tell her you believe in the power of modern medicine more.

Go to your doctor about it. Or someone else who your close with.

perdix 29

For a yeast infection, Miconazole > Jesus. For everything else, I'll let you decide.

KareBear7364 5

sounds like something my mom would say lol

Yeah.. believe in the power of a man born from a 'virgin' mother

Unless Jesus and Vagisil have something in common, religious figures are not going to help you in that department.

go to walgreens or walmart or wherever you prefer and get some medication. I'm pretty sure cranberry juice helps too.:)

loveashlley 6

Sugar free cranberry juice works wonders. Ocean Spray is not the route to go. Unless you get sugar free. It's bitter as heck but two bottles of it and plenty of water and you should be good.

I don't know why people marked you down #33, you're perfectly correct, cranberry juice is supposed to help with UTIs not yeast infections

I love it how y'all turned this into a medical debate

Simply go to the pharmacy, they will advise you. Also, stay away from sweets and mushrooms for a while because they feed the infection. It's your first one so you want to get rid of it ASAP because this little ***** can get worse and come back after a while if badly treated. Take care of yourself OP and don't mind your mother. She is talking rubbish. I got a yeast infection when I was very young and still a virgin.

You can easily get yeast infections without sexual contact. I got my first when I was ten, apparently it was from going swimming in a lake and then sitting around in a wet bathing suit.

Yeah, I've had a couple yeast infections when I was a virgin, so as far as I know, it has nothing to do with sexual contact.

secret_ninja_gal 12

nfI got plenty of yeast infections as a child. well not THAT much but I think it was because when I was in a hurry I wouldn't wipe when I'd go pee.... I was young ok....

94: Even babies can get them, apparently. My mother informed me that I had one as an infant, from an issue similar to yours - my Dad was apparently a dunce with baby girls, and wiped the wrong way. =/ Way to go, Dad.

Normally I would tell you to go to your chemist and ask for the clotrimazole double whammy oral pill and suppository. As it's your first infection I would go to my doctor so he can tell you for sure that it is in fact a yeast infection and not a UTI or something else. In future, to prevent the nasty bastard flaring up again, drink cranberry juice and try to limit your sugar intake as that's what yeast feeds on.

I'd avoid cranberry juice, as it's usually used to help cystitis, not thrush and it also tends to contain a lot of sugar.

Yeah, you're best off mainlining cranberry juice if you have a UTI and are waiting to see a doctor, not for a yeast infection - though eating yogurt is good (also good for strep and tonsillitis). I get UTIs and kidney infections all the damn time (I have Lupus). You have to make sure to buy the kind without any added sugar, though. I also have a bottle of cranberry supplements around. For some reason, if I get a UTI, it's ALWAYS Friday night. >(

lmngrl889 14

yeah u are supposed to go to the dr for your first YI.