By Anonymous - 12/02/2013 23:01 - United States

Today, I got my very first yeast infection. Thinking she would help me, I went to my mom. Instead she began yelling about how I'm lying and it's an STD and I don't believe in the power of Jesus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 930
You deserved it 3 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

btstig 11

The power of Christ compels you........ To clean that shit up!!

just go to a drugstore & take care of that shit yourself.


Your mom was probably a ***** and is projecting on you op. fyl

Satoaoi 13

oooooo better get that checked man

Religion strikes again! But anyways, next time just go to the pharmacy and get some monostat. Physicians and medicines are more helpful than religious nuts praying and screaming.

Just tell her that jesus visited you in the middle of the night and gave you an std. That ought to shut her up.

Yeah, tell her you slept with a Mexican named Jesus and he gave you an STD. And tell her that you didn't used to believe in the power of Jesus, but you do now.

ok so most of you are not believers, but that doesn't give you a right to be disrespectful to those who are.

In this case the power of GOOGLE would have helped you find a better solution than an overly religious mother who believes that Jesus is the solution to a yeast infection.

Maybe try to get a job at a bakery, you now have intimate knowledge of yeast.

Go see your doctor. He or she can prescribe you cream or some pills to treat your yeast infection.

Monistat works as well as the prescription. Get the 3 or 7 day ovules (cream can be difficult and one day isn't always enough to treat it) wear cotton underwear, eat sugar free YOGURT not cranberry juice and wash with unscented NONantibacterial soap. Change underwear frequently and see your doctor if the monistat does not work. If you're on an antibiotic do not stop taking it and see your doctor for alternate and stronger treatments.

Cranberry juice is for urinary tract infections, guys.. Yogurt helps the native flora. Why go to a parent if they're crazy?