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By mandy16 - 04/09/2010 03:43

Today, I got my wisdom teeth taken out. The two male doctors told me they'd give me anesthesia, but when they did, I could still hear them. I heard them talking about my breasts and how flat they were for a 17 year old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 235
You deserved it 3 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeah. no worries, they're sad porno addicted men. who are married to saggy boob women

lol that sux. funny though and also a bit effed up since theyre adults and ur a minor.. so pretty innapropriate even though you were sposed to be knocked out they shouldn't be talking about you like that while they are working. so FYL.


UrbanAdaption 0

let's be honest, u won't sue them u balless *****! jk I think ur perfectly fine the way u r babe

It's really pretty pathetic that people are telling this girl to sue just because someone insulted her. Why you think someone deserves millions of dollars for insults is ridiculous. Quit being ******* America.

Babushka_Homyak 10

Well it doesn't even need to be a lawsuit. In some states, any sort of sexual anything with a minor is a felonious charge that = 9 months in jail and a $10,000 fine. You would think the dentist would be smart enough to do their job and shut the **** up.

Want to know why your health care costs are so high? Because of every idiot in here who suggested a lawsuit. Who do you think ends up paying for that money? You do. The doctor doesn't pay, his or her malpractice insurance pays. Then rates go up for everyone else to cover the increase in his insurance premiums. Morons. If they limited compensation for frivolous lawsuits it'd reduce health care costs dramatically. Tort reform worked in Louisiana.

Anaxes 5

But people are selfish pricks who feel entitled to money because everything didn't end up sunshine and rainbows.

this goes along with a lot of posts where i think, "that's not an fml, that's a lawsuit and money for u!!"

it's not "pathetic" that a lawsuit is suggested. they're supposed to be professionals. doctors. they're not supposed to make lewd comments about a minor while she's under anesthesia. it's more than just an "insult" to her physical appearance. their behavior breaches several levels of propriety and decency.

Ok so let them be fined by their health board. Let the news play the story so that people will avoid their practice and they will lose money. Let them get fired by whomever they work for if it is not their practice. In any event, this girl does NOT deserve ANY compensation. It is PATHETIC to say that this girl should live the rest of her life on money from a lawsuit over this. It is PATHETIC to blow such a small situation out of proportion. Was it wrong? Yes. Do they deserve some sort of punishment or reprimand? Yes. Do they deserve to have everyone know about the kind of people they are? Yes. Does this girl deserve any money? NO

OC- Life is what you make it. I take it yours leans more towards 'shitty'? You seem rather angrydisgruntled all the time.

Anaxes 5

Yeah, doctors are meant to be drones without sentient thought and a desire to communicate with co-workers. She doesn't deserve money, that's why a lawsuit is pathetic.

OC- It's what people do best. You do make a good point, however a lot of your posts seem to have a more aggressive tone to them. That's all I was pointing out. On another note, work's lame. It's where most of the morons are.

ewww what's perv. u shoulda been like yoo I can hear u asshole

fmlissoooooofked 0

47 shut the **** up you ****** me and my buddies make fun of girls that are part of the itty bitty titty committee ALLLLL the time

I like flat chests as much as I like DD's. Okay, maybe that's stretching it, but you're every bit a woman as a DD. FLATTIES FTW!

I dislike the phrase "flat-chested"...Girls with small boobs aren't FLAT. They still have boobs. :/ "Small-chested" is more accurate...

Occasionally a girl can be actually literally flat-chested, but usually when people say it they do really mean small-chested like you said, nerds.

get a lawyer, sue there dumbasses, get your new big boobs, then go back and thank them !