By pimpslaprequired - 04/08/2012 01:52 - United States

Today, I got on an elevator at the mall, along with a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl talking on her cell. She spent the whole ride telling the person on the other end how hideous I looked and how I look like a pregnant sperm whale. I was too humiliated to even say anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 022
You deserved it 4 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

D'aww. 99.3% of my generation sucks, sorry OP.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Should've told her to go **** herself. And then you should've shoved the phone up her ass. :P Yeah she's young, I guess, but that doesn't give her the right to treat you like shit. If they don't get taught a lesson, they won't learn.


fatalwish 6

eh its a kid trying to act cool. if its any consolation i forsee that same kid growing up to realize she has no real friends and every man who has ever dated her only did it for her looks. oh and around 40 those guys will probably stop dateing her because shes a shallow twat who never learned to converse with other people, or ever look past tbe first layer of anything so yes a hollow existance i forsee in her future .

Stand up and say something. If we as a society do not put these kids in their place (since obviously this child's parents have NOT raised her), were doomed when they become adults. You deserved being embarrassed if you can't stand up to a teenager.

I'm all for mass genocide of assholes. just throwin that idea out there ya know.

it's sad that kids nowadays don't have manners...

That pisses me off that you took shit from a disgusting excuse for a child.

jarockstar27 10

I would have been like "you know this sperm whale also has ears right?" and then i would have insulted her on her looks too but i guess im petty like that lol

Wow, what a little bitch! That's pretty shocking that she said it right in front of you. Usually tween girls are more subtle than that.

Forgot to add: she probably should have just texted her feelings to her friend, rather than saying them out loud.

Fishfanatic 7

I would have high kicked the phone clean out of her hand .

stormchaser319 7

This is why I hate this generation. they're rude and selfish and disrespectful. Sorry you had to endure that