By preggersss - 19/07/2009 02:27 - United States

Today, I got sick in the airsick bag as my flight landed. The woman next to me, trying to make me feel better, says "Don't handle landings too well?" I responded "No, I actually fly fine, I'm just 8 weeks pregnant." She looked at my left hand, noticed no ring, rolled her eyes and looked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 639
You deserved it 17 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You people do realize that not all people exchange rings when they are getting married. My cousins are SDA and they don't believe in wedding rings. They have three kids and I would hate for people to look down on her just b/c she isn't wearing a ring when she has been married for many years now.

Xinabeth 0

Some people don't believe in a god, so the choose to not be married under a god. Marriage is a religious concept; if you don't have a religion, why bother getting married? Just because someone isn't married doesn't mean they can't have kids. That lady was quite rude :(


Wow. You people need to make your own decisions instead of making them for other people. When my mom had me she wasn't married to my dad, they got married a year later though because it'd be easier to raise a family. You people are so judgemental. That lady is pretty rude.

How do you know the OP isn't married? She might not be wearing her ring because of a number of reasons. I don't wear my wedding rings because I have problems with my hands. I joke that I would rather wear my wedding ring in my nose anyway. :) People need to learn to MTOB. It's not like she was asking the snobby wench to help raise or support her kid.

now now, some comments are quite rude, after all even slutty *****'s who put out to anyone with a 20$ bill has feelings. YDI. ho.

soundmind311 0

fyl for being pregnant and having a bastard child.

Jazzywrites007 2

You do realize that you'll Never be one of the Great Trolls of FML, right? Just sayin' ...

Shadow_Sniper 0

Bastard child!? Really? How about you start living in the 21st Century like the rest of us?

if shes not married then the child is technically a bastard, thats what theyre called dumbass lol

cxal_fml 0

The correct term for a child born out of wedlock is "bastard." While its not common, for obvious reasons, it certainly is still officially the correct term to use when describing such a child today. Just as the name for a female dog is not common, but still officially correct

Shadow_Sniper 0

#168 If you are going to respond to one of my replies then at least do so in context.

xXmoses_rocksXx 0

You know what, there are just too many judgemental assholes on this site. OP, I hope you and your baby are healthy. So what if your not married? I, for one, do not think you are a **** or a *****. I hope you and your baby have a wonderful and happy life :)

jdawg777 0

if you have kids but are not married, then you should marry the father. If you dont know who it is, then you should just pray for forgiveness

jdawg777 0


k_cool 0

Not /everyone/ worships the Bible. Besides, maybe she had to take the ring off because her hands were swollen or it was starting to hurt or something.

jdawg777 0

if she had to take the ring off then i have no problem. and what do you mean "worship the bible"? Do you mean not everyone is christian? This is true, but all people should be christian. It is simply wrong to have sex outside of marriage.

Maybe next time you should actually read the bible.

Oh huh, 172. Are you a practicing theologian? Have you gone to a seminary? Honestly.

because it is posted on the internet, doof

Technically whatever our tax dollars get used for *is* our business. Not condoning the judgmental woman's behavior by any stretch of the imagination, but it would be naive to pretend that having more people drawing money from the government doesn't put extra stress on that government and, in turn, its citizens.

lexiluffagus 0

Who said shit about people drawing money from the government? I don't think the OP said anything about being on welfare.

It's your personal opinion that all people should be Christian. However, I disagree. We are all entitled to our own beliefs. I'm an atheist because I have the right to be. And considering you're a Christian, I'm sure you believe that God gave every human free-will, therefore, He gave them the right to believe whatever they want to believe.

wolfie2394 0

I've never really got marriage myself If you love each other why the hell do you need some priest to tell you?