By Anonymous - 13/10/2008 08:24 - Australia

Today, I got up at 8am and didn't take a shower so I could hear the postman at the door. He never came. I stink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 564
You deserved it 74 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slyvanilla_creme 0

are you like a mailman stalker? i'm a bit lost....other than the fact that you stank and could take a shower later....?????

Sessee 4


huh. why would you want to HEAR the postman???

I get up at 6am every day to have a jog and a shower before school. If it was so important you could have woken up early

Mr_Storm 0

YDI for not going to the shower be4 going. I think u smell like rotten eggs to scare a person away... u might be lazy and u deserve it.

how can you stink so much just missing one single shower? O.o weird..


so are you like the human version of a dog that chases the mail man?!?! lol

ummmm.... why were you trying to hear the postman? thats extremely creeper O.o