By Anonymous - 13/10/2008 08:24 - Australia

Today, I got up at 8am and didn't take a shower so I could hear the postman at the door. He never came. I stink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 564
You deserved it 74 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slyvanilla_creme 0

are you like a mailman stalker? i'm a bit lost....other than the fact that you stank and could take a shower later....?????

Sessee 4


Psycho_Babydoll 26

So, let me get this straight... You got up early and instead of showering, you waited to see if you had any mail. Which you obviously didn't, but thanks to something known as a mailbox, one does not have to personally greet the mailman to receive their post. Then upon discovering you had no mail, it did not occur to you to have a shower? Does your water go off after 8am? How is this even a FML in the first place? This is just the random whining of someone who desperately wanted to get a post published.

Valentine_Beauty 5

i'm surprised that lame fmls like this get posted but mine gets rejected...

Valentine_Beauty 5

I'm surprised that lame FML's like this get posted while mine gets rejected. FML

I haven't had a shower in two weeks. So what's the big deal if you miss one day

wellsomuch4 5

So what was so important you couldn't take a quick 15 min shower... whoes post service d et livers that early any how... I need to move there apprently.