By CheapFamily - 09/04/2014 23:47 - United States

Today, I graduated from Basic Training. I was really looking forward to seeing my family after being away for almost three months. They decided not to come to graduation because they didn't want to spend the money to travel here. They live 30 minutes away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 491
You deserved it 3 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

conman531 23

Congratulations and thank you for the service. They are missing out on seeing a real hero

strawberrywine22 30

Well, that's their loss. They'll regret it eventually, not that it helps now. You're doing a great thing and you deserve their respect.


That's not that far away. Very inconsiderate.

redbaron94 8

That blows don't worry the people you'll meet are better than actual family anyway. Trust me active duty here USMC. Err reh

screw them, you have our support.. thank you for serving!

So op of you could post why they are lazy dicks.

I am sorry that your family wasn't there to support you at this important milestone in your life. You have made an amazing and honorable choice in doing a military career and I thank you for making that choice. While your family cannot be bothered to support your choice, there are so many others who will do that for you in their place.

Cheap family? More like negligent family. There is no excuse for them not to show up if they were only 30 mins away. You should discuss this with them, because that isn't normal.

That's awful. I drove two days to see my brother graduate basic training. The only people there who didn't have family come to see them were people whose families lived overseas. What a disrespectful thing for your family to do.

First and most importantly, thank you so much for your service. My dad was a Marine, so I cannot imagine not having the full support of your family. I'm sorry. I hope they wise up and see that you are a true hero and deserve their support. However, if they don't. Then you are in the right place, because the service will take you away from them and introduce you to people who will fully support you. Best of luck, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe.

your family are a bunch of pieces of shit. sounds like my gfs family. only worried about themselves. don't forget this when they need something and your the only one that can help. **** em