By anon - 13/05/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, I graduated from college and my parents gave me an apple. Not the computer, the fruit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 241
You deserved it 5 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

andycaliboy 0

show em what you learned in college and turn it into a pipe

greatnt249 0

Is that their way of joking about you becoming a teacher?


Who cares! I didn't get anything, I'm sick of people coming up with excuses just to get presents. Maybe they figure that since you have a college degree you can afford your own computer.

mcsnelly 5

Who said the OP thinks he DESERVES or EXPECTS anything?!?! He only said the thing about the apple computer to make the point that he got a piece of fruit, not to be confused with a computer. And YES graduating college is a BIG DEAL! Of course it doesn't necessarily mean he should automatically get a huge, lavish gift, but most parents DO get something, even if it's just a gift card or something (but STILL, it's not like the OP said he was expecting something, either!!) And to all the people saying "You're just lucky to even be in college!" or "There's starving kids in Africa be happy you got an apple!" --Well this isn't Africa! There are different societal norms here, so this comparison isn't even valid. And just because the OP (or anyone else) is able to go to college, does that mean they should be ashamed of the fact that they can afford an education and never get anything good else in their life again? I think you guys need to get off YOUR high horse and stop assuming that, because he can go to college, he has everything he wants and doesn't deserve any recognition for completely a college education.

Why exactly are you expecting anything from them? Gee, were you disappointed that they didn't buy you a new BMW to sit next to your Lexus? Yes, **** your life because your parents didn't shower you with gifts and all sorts of unnecessary things. What I wouldn't do for a mere ounce of support from my parents... an apple would be great. It'd be one less bit of food that I'd have to buy.

My opinion will be influenced by HOW they gave you the apple. Did they just throw you an apple and leave? Or were they all "CONGRATULATIONS! ...We can't afford you Mac, but we still got you an Apple product?" There's big difference.

So? People like me don't get shit when we graduate college. STFU and stop being spoiled.

beberezay 0

college is the step to a high payed job, you can buy your own dam laptop, your like a spoiled child, you cry cause you didnt get a gift for something your expected to do, atleast they gave you a snack.

Ryu148 0

nikki, I'd honestly rather not get anything than get an apple. If I didn't get anything, I can just tell myself that the people who love me have other priorities (and, tbfh, I want them to have other priorities), but an apple is just insulting as a graduation gift. If you want to go cheap, just get a card or don't get anything at all.

lmmmr 0

Were you an education major? Makes sense.

i think everyone is missing the real point here.. was it a green apple or red apple..? the green ones are gross..and i'd be pissed. ha.