By Anonymous - 09/06/2009 17:07 - United States
Same thing different taste
No fun
By Ed. - 04/08/2024 13:00 - United Kingdom - Stoke Newington
By chuffberry - 19/04/2016 13:39 - United States - Raleigh
By Anonymous - 15/07/2013 04:23 - United States - Clarks Summit
By Dammit - 07/07/2012 04:45 - United States - Long Beach
By Kris - 27/07/2024 12:00 - New Zealand - Dunedin
By blondetergent - 20/06/2011 08:12 - Singapore
By Why - 18/12/2018 05:00
Nice spread
By Anonymous - 19/02/2016 20:36 - United States - Denver
By phlyingphuck - 19/07/2009 15:12 - United States
By Sally19863 - 30/08/2010 16:18 - South Africa
Top comments
I love how anyone that supports consumption of meat is considered "ignorant." Try thinking about this before you make false accusations - as far as I've seen, vegetarians tend to be very concerned for the environment. However, they're eating the plants that give off oxygen that supports life, and leaving the animals that pollute our air alive. Seems contradictory. Or the people who chose vegetarianism because they're concerned with their health - it isn't going to work. My friend has been a vegetarian for several years because she was concerned with her weight and yet she wonders why she isn't losing any. It's because the body needs protein to burn calories. Figure it out. And as for the people saying we should be more open-minded, automatically assuming anyone who consumes meat is "American" or "Republican" or "Uneducated" seems a tad hypocritical, eh? Even if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, try to have a little sympathy. OP, sorry to hear that. It's unfortunate you'd aquire an allergy to soy with your lifestyle, but there are several things you can have to supplement it (not meaning meat).
Ugh vegetarianism. Don't remind me of the most miserable 3 months of my life. At least I lost a lot of weight, but AT WHAT COST?
Eating meat is not a necessity, although if you avoid meat completely you have to make sure to get those nutrients that are easier accessed by it in some other form. Most Americans eat more meat than they should. I can't count the number of people I see order a taco with only meat and cheese. Meat should be eaten as a side dish not a main course, although I'm guilty of eating 16 oz steaks in a sitting myself. :p Also #249, the only animals I am aware of polluting our air, is the human animal. To quote agent Smith from the Matrix "Every animal on this planet, establishes an equilibrium between itself and its surrounding environment but you humans do not, instead you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource has been consumed, and the only way you can survive is to simply, spread to another area." Besides the vast majority of our oxygen is produced in the ocean by algae, and they in turn take in our CO2. Also you can eat vegetables with protein (see beans), so I'm not sure what your friend is eating.
#73 I'm a Vegetarian, and I'm a Republican. #71 Proudliberal stfu! How is Mccain racist? I bet you're one of those people who constantly pull the RACE card! I hate those people.
I hate proud liberal With a passion
#251, I can see your point. Humans do pollute the air more than anything, but cows do as well. Instead of trying to explain an awkward scenario, just follow the link. Just remove the spaces. http:// www. cbsnews. com/stories/2005/08/02/tech/main713257.shtml I'm not sure how credible it is, but I'm sure we're not the only ones contributing to pollution. And to tell you the truth, I'm not sure what she's eating either. =] I always just called it "rabbit food" and went about my business.
YDI for being a vegetarian....hippie
Omg that SUCKS! Are u staying a vegetarian??
HA! soy sorry
People, seriously, shut the hell up on hating vegetarians. It's a personal choice, and if they're not pushing it on you, then you have no right to be pushing them to eat meat. There are entire countries with the majority of it's people being vegetarian. Do you hate on them? And I really doubt some of you are !00% carnivores. You can't survive on just meat, just so you know. There are other things you can eat besides soy products, and there are other alternatives. Also, you guys aren't being witty or funny with your comments saying, "Oh too bad, just go eat a steak and get over it." You're just sounding like an idiot.