By SucksToBeMe - 28/09/2009 18:31 - United States

Today, I had a meeting with the CEO about a promising job with good pay and benefits. Upon meeting, we immediately recognized each other. He was someone I used to make fun of in school all the time. He responded by refusing to interview me and had security throw me out by force. Karma bites. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 522
You deserved it 118 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CherishFlowers 0

That sucks, but you kinda deserved it...


jw90 18

That's what you get for being the school bully. Haven't you ever noticed that the nerds you pick on grow up to be your superiors one day. YDI

No, it doesn't suck to be you, you deserve it, just like FML #2019724.

I'm thinking all the peole who are saying FYL were either never bullied or were the bullies.

Maybe the CEO went a little far in throwing you out, but at least it was clear to you why you didn't get the job. If he'd taken the interview and not given you the job, you would never have known why. Frankly, YDI. Karma isn't quite the right word, but what goes around comes around, and for you it did. Hope you pass the lesson on to your kids.

If I were the CEO, I'd have hired the guy, then proceed to give him every shitty assignment available. The best revenge is to be able to control this jerk's life. Then I'd fire him if he screws up even once. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

Dcvictorious 0

You don't deserve to have your name as- suckstobeme. Your a bellend who deserved it. Not Karma, but justice, you picked on someone who you knew yourself was better than you and now he is and he can throw the attention seeking twat out on the kerb now- that being you. YDI, stop whinging and I hope you have a long wait for a job after you've been on the dole for most of your life with 10 kids anyway.

Actually...Karma doesn't bite....Karma throws you out by force.

benjammin1391 0

Karma=WIN. You just got beaten up by the powers that be. Good job making an enemy for the rest of your life.

Julle_fml 0

You deserved it. Hopefully you have learned to treat other people with respect and dignity.