By RC3Welly - 09/03/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "BE MY BABY'S DADDY!" I couldn't get out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 769
You deserved it 1 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pull out method doesn't work. You're ****** for life.


the falcon punch is a humane method of abortion. :)

Ryu148 0

Pull out doesn't really work anyway, but at least now you know she's a raging bitch!

actually it does! I've been having sex with my gf like that for the past 5 months and nothing has happened.

brittanydunn23 0

I have been doin it with my guy for 2 months no baby yet

I am truly amazed by how many stupid people are out there. The pull out method doesn't work, yes you can get pregnant at ANY time. JUST BECAUSE YOUR GIRLFRIEND ISN'T PREGNANT DOES NOT MEAN THE PULL OUT METHOD IS EFFECTIVE. You could be incredibly lucky or infertile. Which you should thank God for because you really should not breed anyways... I'm embarrassed for humanity

Well in the form of logic, pull out method doesn't work for most. not all men have a sperm in their precum. it has to do with genetics. and I have years of biology classes telling me you're wrong about the anytime fact. how long sperm can live is definitly speculated over, and how long an egg survives is too. it all has to do with females genetics and male genetics. that being said the very longest a female should be susceptible to getting pregnant is like a week, maybe a week and a half if she has the lowest acidity ever. However, because the affect of genetics on a female are so unpredictable sex ed will always tell you always to keep dumb ***** like you guys from trying to use biological clocks as a birth control method. teens especially tend to have less than functioning biological clocks, some females even ovulate twice in a month. it's too unpredictable to be used as a bc method. On top of all this the ability to "get pregnant anytime" would be impossible. sperm can't create eggs, they have to travel through the fallopian tubes. sometimes eggs get fertilized in the tubes, this is known as a ectopic pregnancy and almost always ends in a miscarriage and sometimes death of the mother. sperm cannot survive in the ovaries where the eggs are stored. because a baby would surely die if grown in the ovary as would the mother. thank you very much now go away.

Maybe you shouldn't have un-protected sex with strangers...

just a can still get STD's from unprotected sex. Pregnancy isn't the only thing that can happen

jlubey 0

a baby isnt exactly an std...

Well, that was stupid of you both from the off.

Oh shit. Don't be afraid to slip a Plan B pill in her breakfast and dinner tomorrow.

It was drunken sex with a girl he barely knew... How in hell is he going to slip her a plan B pill the next day?

Assmilk 0
whatwhat 0

it's okay, if worst comes to worst there is always falcon paunch

YESSS Show me your moves. I want to see them.

I agree, press the 'b' button, Captain Falcon.

ahhh lol lol lol bad luck... get a coat hanger in 2 months time

petey 0

Dumb and immature enough not to use a condom, you deserve all you get. You better just pray she was on the pill or other contraceptive.