By RC3Welly - 09/03/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "BE MY BABY'S DADDY!" I couldn't get out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 769
You deserved it 1 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pull out method doesn't work. You're ****** for life.


coloradobound 0

damn dude that sucks.. i agree with #465.. cant harp on you too bad for not wrapping.. hopefully from this point on you'll have one on you all times haha.. and if all else fails keep getting her drunk, smoke around her like a chimney anything like that to fix this problem

ohhhhhhhhhh my god, this had me DYING

Dude. Hope you got it on video, since no court will ever beliee yo. Better save this window actually. Take it easy, not every shot is a pregnancy. only a few days window of opportunity. Does she know who you are? BTW, you should always use a condom, especially during drunk sex with strangers!

hahahaha!!!!! so, do u want a boy or a girl??? LMAO!!!!

I laughed so effing hard, but im still in shock

deliciouskaek 1

Unprotected Sex + Complete Stranger + copious amounts of liquor + bad contraceptive method = You're screwed.