By John - 24/06/2011 07:17 - United States

Today, I had my anus probed twice by two different doctors. I was diagnosed with hemorrhoids. I'm a 22 year old guy and have to schedule a colonoscopy for next week. I guess there's a first time for everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 124
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see people in their 20's with hemorrhoids regularly. It isn't as uncommon as you think. When the colonoscopy gets done, make sure you bring the wine and candles. It's a very romantic occasion.

Too bad the doctor didn't also rub the prostate. I hear it's equivalent to the females G-Spot ;)


Too bad the doctor didn't also rub the prostate. I hear it's equivalent to the females G-Spot ;)

I'm sure he's glad the doctor didn't do that.

I think we can all agree here that Marinus is hot, but how hot is he? Well don't answer because it doesn't ******* matter, wear a shirt like everyone else!

braasilianx0 4

lol you mad you don't have a body to show off ?! ^

I am pretty sure I have a body or else I wouldn't be alive at this moment.

Hey **** everyone else at the moment, I got to say GeneralLee, hilarious pic.

braasilianx0 4

Don't play stupid? Oh no I just had to comment on that shit cause really, i could care less about you bitch.

They always do that. That just make you talk so you don't notice it.

igotnolegs 1

what is a hemorrhoid and a colonoscopy

Dude naw. Marinus heard from his own thoughts that it's pleasurable. ;)

Had a female P. A. do that to me before, felt so good. Messed up the exam table though.

iSitt 0

the prep before the cscope will get the words out of you.

salvorican 24

Damn... Hope aliens don't wanna probe ur ass too..

reference to the very old urban legend that when aliens abduct you, you get probed, or at least i hope it is not a reference to katy perry

salvorican 24

38 is right. I totally forgot that was in Katy Perrys song

sourgirl101 28

The alien probing reminds me of the very first South Park episode I saw. "Kick the baby."

mcxhunni 0

You totally deserve it for whining about something that's not a big deal.

Have you ever had a hemorrhoid? No? Then I hope you get to experience the burning, intense pain, and profuse bleeding soon. Then you can come back and tell us all how pleasant an experience it is.

I see people in their 20's with hemorrhoids regularly. It isn't as uncommon as you think. When the colonoscopy gets done, make sure you bring the wine and candles. It's a very romantic occasion.

guckylynn 19

Yeah... colonoscopies for 20 year olds are becoming more common. I had one at 20 for a polyp.

jellitonoctopus 19

intimate date for his prostate and your finger.

Doc, your pictures are always interesting...what happened this time?

KatrinaKitten 16

Um, duh. Hence the "Guess there's a first time for everything." And I am SO sorry if I'm a "hater."

YDi for letting the adult in you out of its cage. No, but seriously just remember that whatever you have, we've seen worse. Unless you have Every1luvsboners' fist impacted in your rectum. There IS nothing worse than that.

oh that sucks. hope the hemorrhoids go away soon