By CaoNiMa - 26/03/2009 15:42 - China

Today, I had my girlfriend over and we we're watching a movie in my basement. I run upstairs and pop a bag of popcorn. Later I come downstairs to find my 10 year old brother sitting next to my girlfriend saying," My brother always says he wants to screw your brains out, whatever that means". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 849
You deserved it 74 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meaganwas 0

You have the best little brother ever.

That ten year old knew what he was saying. LOL.


Bad grammar you ran and you came and you popped a bag of popcorn

furubafan74 18

OP is from China, so English is *at least* his second language.

Why does that matter? It's your girlfriend.

You shouldn't have been saying those things around 1. A brother who wouldn't even understand the phrase 2. A brother who could repeat that phrase. But can we get a follow up? How did she react?

what if she says the same thing to her friends ?