By Anonymous - 06/06/2011 23:20 - United States

By Anonymous - 06/06/2011 23:20 - United States
By unholy shit - 23/01/2012 22:33 - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Absecon
By amazed - 18/04/2012 23:08 - United States - Frisco
By Bigfatfailure - 28/03/2013 10:02 - United States - Garden Grove
By man down! man down... - 01/12/2019 03:00 - Canada - Ottawa
By Danielle - 25/10/2020 11:02
By S…… - 09/01/2011 10:18 - Singapore
By lyfisdyno - 12/09/2013 00:16 - United Kingdom - Malvern
By seepeezy32 - 02/02/2011 02:32
By Anonymous - 28/12/2022 03:00
********** next don't want to accidentally reproduce that shit
You willingly slept with him. Get over it.
and your problem is?
Everyone on here needs to grow up, stop hating on each other, and act like civilized human beings! Juggalos are just people, like everyone else. Some are in gangs, some have PhDs, I know a couple that make more money than half of all you people talking crap. It's the same as any other mass group of people... you are going to get your idiots, educated, gangsters, haters, and any other label you want to throw out there. but guess what? you don't see us snooping out every post that has prep or emo, or whatever your label is, and filling it with hatred. So why do all of you make it your sole purpose to hunt us down and treat us with disrespect? juggalos are all about anti-bigotry, and if they are true juggalos, your snide, ignorant, and hatefilled remarks will do nothing but make you look bad. enjoy being a bully, one of these days you will come face to face with the real judge and when your past is filled with hatred and bigotry, why should you get forgiveness? just know this, I DO forgive you, hope god will...
" So why do all of you make it your sole purpose to hunt us down and treat us with disrespect? " This website isn't even about juggalos or ICP-haters so I'm not sure where you got your information from or where you think you are. This is where we judge other people and their situations. You are currently situated on a depressing post about having sex with a juggalo. Look elsewhere if you would not like to hear about people who think juggalos are silly.
Ok, so as much as I dislike Tila Tequila and her crap music, are you gonna tell me that her being battered by beer bottles at a concert was justified? Because that was done by juggalos. As stupid as it was for her to not get off the stage as soon as people started booing, it was not justified to perpetrate violence on her. That girl is like what? 130 lbs. soaking wet. Anybody who ever admits to being a juggalo and is within attack range of me is getting their ass kicked into a rip in the time space continuum.
BTW, magnets don't work by magic, dumbass.
no I'm not. what happened there was wrong but as I've said, there are bad people in every group of people. they had no right to do that but you have no right to judge juggalos by what a couple of a-hole juggalos did. not all preps are snobs, not all emos cut themselves and not all juggalos commit hate crimes!
all I'm saying is that when someone says anything about juggalos, people start talking crap because they think they are all big and bad. it gets old. ooh she had sex with a juggalo, well she must not have thought juggalos were that bad to sleep with him in the first place! and I know what website this is thank you, I just don't approve of people turning it in to a juggalo bashing!
haha lol
What a waste.
Uh its jiggalo not juggalo ur stupid
hope you used protection
Umm.. Well, here's the solution: Don't. You obviously wanted to have sex with him, otherwise it would be an entirely different FML. You ARE capable of deciding who to screw.. If you're desperate enough to have sex with a juggalo, when you obviously dislike that, then that's your fault. Get a vibrator, or stop doing whoever comes along.