By are you kidding me? - 10/03/2014 08:22 - United Kingdom - Northolt

Today, I had to bail my brother out of jail because he started a fight with a guy who didn't like owls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 534
You deserved it 4 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your location verifies my suspicion that your brother fought Ron Weasely. What a lucky guy.


Men don't fight over these little thing at least not that bad to get thrown in jail.. I still hope he said brother and another man

"Hoo are you kidding?" = Better user name :)

Totally justified. Owls are the shit.

Its funny how many people i see trying so desperately to get likes on their comments

Technically, OP, you did not "have to" bail him out of jail. He should have stayed in there for being stupid. Regardless of what someone may or may not like, beating them up is assault, and a crime that he should pay for. It's about time someone gets arrested instead of probation for breaking the law.

Axel5238 29

Agreed, he really should have stayed over night to let things sink in. Not sure if the brother is going to learn much by being bailed out. At worst, he thinks he can get away with this stuff and now thinks he has a funny story to tell his friends. At best hopefully he learns something about drinking and/or fighting, that stuff like this isn't cool or something to be proud of. At worst, the brother's side of the story turns up on texts from last night and he thinks stuff like this is funny.