By bethanygirl - 29/10/2011 19:46 - United States

Today, I had to cancel my birthday party because of snow. It's October. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 715
You deserved it 5 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't have snow and I live in Canada

I didnt know you couldn't have a birthday party with snow..


I'm in Alaska. Try to complain when snow hits in early September

Complaining if that is the norm, that is one thing, but getting snow, (not a dusting either), when you are still mowing lawns? The trees and bushes still have their leaves, and still at the time of year for fairly warm outside activities, yeah, make sure to bite your tongue when it happens to you ;)

j_sheree6121 10

Damn the same thing happened to me.... Wait a minute no it didn't cuz I live in Phoenix and it was 85 out today!!!!!! If you hate the snow move somewhere that doesn't get snow

So about we all move in with you and you can find us all jobs? Btw, who said they didn't like snow? Everyone who has had fun with sarcasm at the convience of the author, doesn't seem to take on the fact that this is way off the mark for the areas that got hit. Four seasons, is the norm not three. Just as 85 degrees is the norm for you at this time of the year, snow is not the norm for the areas that got it at this time of the year. I rennet a few years ago Phoenix got hit with a light dusting and it sure wasn't a very quiet time for them when it happened...

Hey kit001, why dont you stop bitching at everyone in reply to their comments and get a life. Nobody asked you to reply to each and every comment

At least you have snow... Here it's just freezing all the time andvsometimes we get hail, but there's no point of it being cold if there's no snow.

earthrose123 4

I know, right! It's October and there snow already! What a winter this is gonna be...

I've had a snowball fight on the forth of july make it fun not ruin your day

Umm okay ? How could it snow ? It's October

generator115 2

dumbass it can snow alot earlier than october

It's snowing just about everywhere right now! Crazy my cousin in CT has no power

Yeah, they said CT was gonna get hit husband is outside shoveling right now, they say temps are 'posed to hit mid 60's by Wednesday. Really off the mark weather!

Here in belgium it's warm for this time of the year, last year it started snowing around this time but now I it's around 18°C. Don't even need a coat. Damn nature, you scary!

The East Coast storm really buried a large area. Sorry about your party, but on the bright side everyone is ok.

laurenxo20 3