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By tinytiny1124 - 14/04/2014 16:57 - United States - Columbus

Today, I had to convince my 3-year-old son that there were monsters in the house just so he would lie in bed and cuddle me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 246
You deserved it 28 321

Top comments

Well.. that's kind of desperate. Scaring a kid for yourself to cuddle o.o


cjwayy 22

Awww... That's so sad. I have had to go to extremes to get my toddler siblings to snuggle with me. I'm a very cuddly person.

Scaring someone so they will be forced to take care of your needs is not okay! I love cuddles too, but if you care about someone even just a tiny bit, you wouldn't do such a selfish thing to them. Not everyone wants to cuddle. Respect that.

cjwayy 22

Never said I scared them... By "extremes" I mean bribery.

I'm starting to see the reason behind the decline of today's youth.

You're encouraging a child to be physically affectionate with someone when they wouldn't choose to otherwise in exchange for a reward. For goodness' sake, don't do that. Do you want your sibling to learn to accept being physical with someone when they have no desire to do so otherwise? And yes, that will translate to other people in the long run, not just physical affection with you. The potential repercussions are on a level I would hope you would not choose for them. Treat them with love, open your arms to them, and let them cuddle with you in their own time. If it takes a long time, or even if it never happens, so be it. You're putting your own desires for cuddling over their own well-being, and it's a terrible idea.

You're a horrible mother. Your poor little boy doesn't deserve that - you should be the one making sure he's not afraid to be in his own home, not making him believe there are monsters just so your pathetic ass can get a cuddle. How selfish of you.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

That's terrible and sad on your part.

rocker_chick23 27

More like F your child's life. Shame on you OP

kakakarotcake 17

One thing to say there's monsters in a room you don't want them going to. but it's another to say there's monsters everywhere just because he refused to cuddle with you

That sounds like the sort of desperate move my mother would've resorted to in order to make me cuddle with her. I wasn't a very snuggly child anyway, but my mother's smothering turned me into a complete touch-a-phobe who won't even go out on a date for fear that it will lead to a relationship, which will in turn lead to vile things like cuddling. So when you never have grandchildren, OP, remember that it's entirely your fault.