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By tinytiny1124 - 14/04/2014 16:57 - United States - Columbus

Today, I had to convince my 3-year-old son that there were monsters in the house just so he would lie in bed and cuddle me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 246
You deserved it 28 321

Top comments

Well.. that's kind of desperate. Scaring a kid for yourself to cuddle o.o


Wow....This is not funny at all. This is psychological abuse. I really hope you're joking, OP.

daniellemshine 10

That's beyond perfect.. Lol I hope he doesn't have scary dreams

For most of you who think they deserved it, you've obviously never had or known an emotionally detached child - my son didn't want to cuddle from the time he was a year old - as a parent there are often times when all you want to do is snuggle up with your child/baby - sure their means to do so was maybe a little over the top, but I understand it completely. I used to have to take mine out of the crib praying I didn't wake him up just so I could hold him close for a while.

Does your kid really need to cuddle? I really don't see what's wrong with a kid that doesn't want to cuddle.

It's understandable that she would want to and have an emotional desire *nearly* on a level of need to be affectionate with her son and cuddle with him. That's understandable. He is her son, after all! A mother's connection to her son can be very strong. However, manipulating him, especially through fear, bribery, or abuse, to fulfill that desire or need, whichever you want to call it, is not acceptable. In my strong opinion, she does "deserve it," or whatever repercussions result, because she actually used such methods, and for her own desires, threatening her child's future well-being. Reaching out to your child is understandable, but not in a way that could so clearly affect him negatively in the future or emotionally harm him in the present.

118, no, a kid who doesn't like cuddling is probably just a kid who cuddling. Nothing at all wrong with that, and in fact, my suspicion is that such a child will be more likely to grow up into an independent adult who gets into and can't get out of lousy relationships out of a desperate need to avoid being alone. OP should be encouraging her son's indifference to cuddling lest he turn into an emotionally manipulative wreck like her!

harmtouch16 11

Being a parent isn't about YOUR needs. You NEEDED to pick up your baby while he was sleeping? Really? Good luck to his future wife.

fffianist 9

Bad idea, OP, really bad idea. You better hope he doesn't remember this, because my parents tried a similar thing on me when I was young and for years I've had trouble trusting people.

I wonder if you're actually so ignorant not to know that would make you an awful parent and by posting this you would receive many comments expressing that sentiment or maybe you are just a troll...

This sounds like the exact sort of thing Mrs. Bates would have done to her son when he was a little child. Not to say that the Bates Motel wasn't a work of fiction, but Psycho was spurred from Ed Gein, a murderer who had a mother with behavior quite like Norma Bates's. Psychological manipulation can be a real bitch. So good luck with that!

You're gonna mess this kid up if you keep pulling that kind of crap. Now you're going to have a 3 year old that's scared of his own home because his mother was desperate. Good parenting. Do you want your son to become Norman Bates?

And when he's too scared to sleep in his own bed later you're going to complain about it.

Do kids REALLY have to be cuddly? Some kids just don't like to cuddle. I don't recall being very cuddly as a child. It doesn't mean they don't love you.

I wasn't cuddly at all. And the more my mother tried to manipulate me into being more cuddly, the less I loved her.