By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 01:26 - United States

Today, I had to go through the embarrassment and pain of telling my parents I was pregnant. I took the test and it came out positive and I was freaking out. I got grounded for the rest of the year and they're really disappointed in me. Five minutes ago, I got my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 881
You deserved it 29 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

testing_fml 0 Sorry bleeding may be happening even if you are pregnant.


Ouch, at least you can tell them the test lied?


Oh God. I just read some of the other comments... I'm mortified. OP, listen. Here are the facts. You CAN bleed while pregnant. It's not menstruation like normal, so yeah technically it's not a "period," but it looks like it, so it's easy to misunderstand and think you got your period. Don't listen to these people saying "if you're bleeding, you're not pregnant." That is WRONG. If you got a positive result on a home test, you very well COULD be pregnant. But on the other hand, home tests can sometimes show up as positive when you're not. Like I said in my other post, please go to the clinic. They can give you a urine-based test AND they can detect other signs of pregnancy, such as a swelling uterus. Things you can't tell by yourself, even with a home test. Also, you can't give yourself an abortion by exercising a lot. I can't believe people in 2009 are this ignorant! Wow. Do they believe the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it, too? What I suggest is, when you're at the clinic, after everything is taken care of, ask the doctor about these things. Get the FACTS so that if something like this ever happens again, you know what's going on. Educate yourself. Knowledge is SO empowering. I wish more people would try it, instead of just spouting whatever nonsense they've heard from their friends. Good luck, dear. Update: Oh great, MORE IGNORANCE! There is no such thing as an abortion pill, you ******* moron. Now I'm getting irritated with all this stupidity. The above is an article about RU486...a medical abortion caused by taking doses of two different medications in PILL form that does not require the invasive traditional surgical abortion procedure. @163...I agreed with all you said until I got to the no abortion pill part. The above link demonstrates that there is in fact a combination of PILLS that cause an abortion. They can be prescribed by a gyno or OBGYN. To the OP...please stop having sex until you educate yourself on birth control and your own body. You can have some spotting or breakthrough bleeding during pregnancy, implantation bleeding should only last the first week or two after conception after that it's spotting that can have many different causes, you cannot give yourself an abortion with heavy excercise...yes heavy excercise can sometimes cause miscarriage but it is in no way a reliable or safe way to end a pregnancy. False positives can happen but are rare. They are NOT caused by the birth control hormones in the pill or shot. They can be caused by ovarian cysts, and for older women who are actively trying to get pregnant can be caused by certain fertility drugs. Please go to the doctor and confirm if you are pregnant or not. Keep your options open, adoption and abortion are both perfectly feasible options. I personally don't agree with abortion and would never have one but I'm not going to sit here and tell you "abortion is murder" or anything like that. It is YOUR CHOICE. I just feel bad for you that you're going to have to grow up waaaay too fast and make decisions for yourself/your child that no person as young as you should have to make.

There is such thing as an abortion pill, but personally I think it sounds worse than traditional procedures.

163, yeah there is an "abortion pill". I knew someone who had to take it because she was too far along to get an actual abortion. I could never do that, though - taking a pill knowing that it's killing something inside of you that you created.

#176... Yeah, actually I know about the "medical" abortions, but I was thinking they weren't in pill form for some reason, and most people erroneously refer to Plan B as an abortion pill, even though it does NOT produce an abortion. And the person who mentioned the abortion pill sounded like he (or she) was one of those obnoxious extremist Bible-thumping anti-choice people, with the cheeky tone the was written in. You're right though, there technically is an "abortion pill" (or pills). Most people don't choose them though, it sounds scary as all hell. I really hope the OP has gone to a doctor by now, instead of listening to all these people telling her it's impossible to bleed when you're pregnant, or it's impossible to get a false reading on a home test. *sigh* Oh and #197, the pill is still a "real" abortion. It's called medical (home), versus the clinical kind where you go into the office.

im not gonna talk shit like many ppl here who are arguing im just gonna say...good luck!

YDI for (a) not waiting to see if you get your period and (b) having unprotected sex

Umm what's wrong with not waiting to see if she got her period? The sooner she finds out, the better prenatal care she can get, or the sooner she can get an abortion, whichever she chooses. And another thing you ignorant people don't understand is the fact that contraception is NEVER 100%, so just because she got pregnant doesn't mean she wasn't using something.

morgan020 0

it's prolly not your period but spotting in which case you could be miscarrying the baby or have some other medical problem go see a ob/gyn asap

There is something very close to the abortion pill.... Its called the morning after pill and is effective up to to 72 hours from possible conception. Its also known as Plan B

Plan B is NOT the abortion pill!! It can be taken within 72 hours to PREVENT pregnancy but will NOT end a pregnancy that has already occured. Plan B is a preventative measure If you're already pregnant the "abortion pill" is a 2 medication combination referred to as RU486 that will end an already confirmed pregnancy but only up to a certain time I believe it is before 11 weeks gestation but I could be wrong about the time frame.

you can still get your period during the first few months of pregnancy! go to your doctor and have him do a pregnancy test, too, you don't want to assume you're not pregnant if you actually are.

#7-maybe the condom broke????? idiot. OP-that sucks but u shud go see a doctor to be sure.

always wait tell you've missed two periods before you tell anyone.

intotheblue- there is a medical abortion where you do make pills. look it up.

lmafo! thats ****** hilarious! (: but really. that sucks man.