By NeedaNosePlug - 26/01/2012 05:19 - United States

Today, I had to have a discussion with my 54-year-old mother about showering. She thinks it's perfectly OK to shower only once a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 291
You deserved it 3 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope she at least wears deoderant, or things would get bad pretty quickly. maybe she's trying to force you to move out? haha


LOOL! Be happy shes not showering once a month :P

avaniazure8 9

Actually, my mom cadmn do that and she doesnt stink. I guess its just sweat glands stuff

monkeyyyy28 1

Maybe only if you live in europe

valogan17 0

Actually that's not bad for an old person. Twice a week is better but their skin is already so dry and fragile, any more than two showers a week could dry out their skin and cause it to crack.

That COULD be a sign of depression. I have it and when it gets bad simple things like taking care of yourself just seem pointless, regardless of the health concerns involved. You feel like you have nothing to show for, so why bother. So if she's doing that and spending most of her time to herself at home, you might talk to her about seeing a doctor. If she's actually living a normal, busier life and doing that, then that's disgusting.

Showering once a week is not a sign of depression. Showering once every two or three weeks, sure. Also, you need at least 4 more symptoms for it to be depression. Also, it's supposed to be different from her 'usual' habits. So don't talk about things you know nothing about. And showering once a week isn't disgusting at all if you use deodorant. I shower once a week minimum and if I tell people, they say they had no idea.

I shower about once a week. **** it. You're being uptight.

om102907 4

Can you say schizophrenia!!!

What the hell does this have to do with schizophrenia? No positive or negative symptoms (e.g. hallucinations - being catatonic), not extra aggressive, no cognitive dysfunctions... Yeah. Wikipedia things because you mention them. Trust me, I study psychology.