By NeedaNosePlug - 26/01/2012 05:19 - United States

Today, I had to have a discussion with my 54-year-old mother about showering. She thinks it's perfectly OK to shower only once a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 291
You deserved it 3 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope she at least wears deoderant, or things would get bad pretty quickly. maybe she's trying to force you to move out? haha


I know so many people like my friends that do that and it's so gross.

Hey, I did that too! Well, up until I turned 6 years old...

That's fine, you're still perfectly clean - unless you're working outside/with machinery, etc, and use deodorant.

My mom is 56 and I'm 14 so what it's not that old its not like after they're 52 they go crazy

It gets worse with age. Wait until she is 80!

tavensmommy 0

I seem to have the problem with my 42 year old mom… hmmmm

dtemple1110 6

You guys, cut her some slack. She's old, so she doesn't produce as much sweat as us youngins. Old people don't go jogging in the rain, you know?