By Anonymous - 11/01/2015 05:56 - United States - Silverdale

Today, I had to negotiate with my husband so he would bring me toilet paper while I was on the john. His terms? A blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 135
You deserved it 7 830

Same thing different taste

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Toilet, loo, shitter, dunny, porcelain throne, thunder box, water closet, latrine, lavatory, pot... Admit it, no matter what term she had used, you'd still say YDI anyhow.

Synonymous_Rex 10

Take a deep breath and blow on his penis. Spit a few times while you're at it. Then demand a less ambiguously worded sexual favor in return for getting him a tissue to wipe the residue off.

keep a happy sex life to avoid such negotiations

I assume this is a lighthearted joke and he isn't serious but why are so many of you okay with this? If she doesn't want to do it in the first place that doesn't mean "let's figure out a deal where she'll have to or she'll give in to my demands" seriously just hand the girl her toilet paper and leave her alone

Looks like your life isn't the only thing that sucks.

giggetirl 1

Give him the ******** then just before you finish stop and bargain for something in your favour.