By Anonymous - 13/02/2012 01:11 - United States

Today, I had to pick my grandma up because she was drunk, at church, at 9am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 400
You deserved it 2 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Getting drunk in church? How did she pull that off?

Here4theshow 17
XxDancerGirlxX 17

Sounds like an "intervention" episode I recently watched! :s

That definitely sucks but completely funny because Grandma is drunk in church. How often does that happen? Probably more than I think. Oh well.

chelsea3111996 0

Just be glad you still have your grandma, mine died a few months ago..

I know I shouldn't find that funny, but it made me laugh so hard.

I never knew how drunk you can get off holy water ... I'll take two shots please :)