By Anonymous - 13/02/2012 01:11 - United States

Today, I had to pick my grandma up because she was drunk, at church, at 9am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 405
You deserved it 2 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments


StromyG2 10
bubo_fml 10

My Gran was a hard drinkin', hell raiser too! She'd tell cops, politicians & businessmen to **** themselves, right to their faces and almost dared them to take a swing! She was totally fearless, had a pit bull's tenacity & I pitied all da fools that ever X'ed her! No surprise she dropped dead of a stroke @ 65, but damn, that woman certainly lived life like a live wire! Even with all her faults, I was proud of her and think she was the coolest Gran that ever lived!!

People who say "you deserve it" on ones like this make me so mad! They don't control what their grandma does

zann_fml 2

As someone who had to drag her 80 year old drunk grandma out of a casino at 9am, deal with it. As long as it isn't normal behavior, laugh about it. Let me tell ya, we had a LOT of laughs at my grandma's funeral about that story! A couple of my cousins weren't there, they were too young to be at the casino, & they were unaware of a lot of the story . . . like her calling my mom (her daughter) & 2 of my uncles (her sons) "stupid assholes!". It is a great story to tell. But like I said, as long as it isn't normal behavior!

that's hilarious. makes for a great story at parties.

MizzCraZy 0