By Anonymous - 13/02/2012 01:11 - United States

Today, I had to pick my grandma up because she was drunk, at church, at 9am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 400
You deserved it 2 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Lmfao!!! Love this FML! Best FML for the week!!!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Obviously she got the spirit before she went.

I'd like to adopt your grandmother if I may. She sounds fantastically wonderfully amazingly awesome. :D

awesome! my grandma was fun like that. she thought it was really funny to give random people the finger while driving. go grandma!

XxTarynxX 0

Maybe she had a bit to much holy communion?

Dang hard core grandma lol shes drunk and still goes to church sounds lik shes catholic to me lol just sayin is all

It's synonymous, your grandmother is awesome. Now get off FML and have a drink or five with her.

ilove80smetal 8

Sounds like a kick ass granny. "come pick me up, Jesus wasted me" lol

isminei 6

It's sad when so many people chime in on how "cool" gramma's abuse of a highly addictive, mentally debilitating and physically toxic drug (alcohol) but disapprove of someone using marijuana, a substance that has not been proved to cause any harm whatsoever outside of the marginally harmful effects of smoke. It just goes to show you how most people really believe the cultural messages they are conditioned to accept regardless of how illogical they are. Its sad that social acceptability trumps actual facts in the court of public opinion. Hypocrites.

maronofhearts 19

It's sad when someone can't let go of the arguments they had over an fml a few days ago and has to bring his drama into a completely unrelated fml to stand on his little soapbox and try to talk like anybody really cares.