By lindsaykay - 18/04/2012 00:07 - United States

Today, I had to put one of my preschool students in timeout for masturbating during nap time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 175
You deserved it 4 124

Same thing different taste


FHL omg are you stupid or juste never studied in what you're working!!! i'm a student in early childhood education and at that age it'S a very normal behavior and it's not at all sexual. they don't understand the meaning of it and do it generally because they are at that stage in there developpemnt and it bring reassurance to them since they are sleeping somewhere that is not home... next time just let him sleep a little apart from the others and in a way others can't see him and if he makes noises and disturbes other children then tell him and if he does it at other moments in public explain to him that it's something you keep to do in private

223 - "next time just let him sleep a little apart from the others and in a way others can't see him..." ...So, you're condoning this kid's fondling in class? No, you don't just separate them from the class, even just a little bit. You tell them to stop it because it's not appropriate to do anywhere where someone can see you. You tell them to go to the bathroom.

MissHayleyJames 7

What scares me the most is she says she's in school to be an early childhood educator, yet she can't spell and doesn't know the difference between "their" and "there". No wonder our kids don't learn anything in school these days.

Well **** your life because you don't understand there isn't anything sexual involved there. The kid us just discovering his body. This is perfectly normal behaviour. Putting a kid in timeout for that is ridiculous.

In Canada time out is now illegal... As an early childhood educator myself, I recommend that you speak to the childs parents and you should not make the child feel ashamed, clearly in preschool children start to go through freuds phallic stage... It's a normal part of child development

DAFUQ!? I didn't think that was even possible at that age.. Wtf.

kola97 1

Wait u have a preschooler who was masterbating. It's a mini playa