By grace - 13/08/2015 14:54 - United States - New York

Today, I had to ride in the back seat of a car, next to a large, hyperactive dog who experiences nervous bowel movements. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 518
You deserved it 1 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have shit your pants so the dog wouldn't feel so self conscious

FalloutScrolls 25

I dunno, dude. At least a child would have a couple layers of clothing to hold it in.


CaroAurelia 12

I had a cat like that. Every time we took a car ride with him, he would not only crap himself but piss himself and froth at the mouth. It wasn't pretty. He only did that after we took him home after my grandmama (his human) died, so he might have had kitty PTSD or something.

corky1992 33
corky1992 33

Rah dogs are like kids though, he just might be excited to be on a ride and out of the house. It is common for animals to have neurotic behavior when things are different and or they are excited. Give him some loving and he may relax a bit next time

I guess you experienced them as well then?

Must've been a crappy ride,and yes I had to use a pun!

sounds like you had a shitty car ride *ba dum tss*