By derped-out sperm - 01/04/2014 21:41 - Ireland

Today, I had to rush my 14-year-old son to the hospital after he fell out of a tree while trying to take an obnoxious "extreme selfie". FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 095
You deserved it 5 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Hahaha.. That's the price u pay for not using a condom ;) just kissing, kids and fun go hand in hand...

At least he had a goal in mind. Aim high. Literally.

FML64128 7

Seems more like he aimed downward.

Teenagers have underdeveloped brains and are unable to predict the possible outcome of anything stupid or dangerous they do. It's a wonder any of us live to adulthood.

saralynnee132 10

But first... Lemme take a selfie

this is a hint that guys shouldn't take selfies lol

Pretty sure you were in a&e with my mother Op

So how did it turn out? Hope he didn't hurt himself too much and if there is a major injury he gets well soon

martin8337 35