By derped-out sperm - 01/04/2014 21:41 - Ireland

Today, I had to rush my 14-year-old son to the hospital after he fell out of a tree while trying to take an obnoxious "extreme selfie". FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 095
You deserved it 5 929

Same thing different taste

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I hope that he now understands the "gravity" of his situation.

Karcasm 7

I'm from Ireland too, for the majority of the time we escape these stupid trends, probably due to the fact we're a smaller country. There's always a few dumbasses that ruin it!

Ends up in hospital "wait before you knock me out for surgery to remove the wood spikes in my body, let me take a selfie!"

《About to fall off a ******* high tree》 WAIT WAIT WAIT #butfirstlemmetakeaselfie

bro you mad your son is normal going outside climbing trees and falling out? my childhood was filled with falling out of trees wtf were you doing

The things people are willing to do for a simple picture of themselves :