By :$ - 06/08/2012 22:08 - Canada - Niagara Falls

Today, I had to scream for my dad to come help me, after I got my hair caught in a fan while trying to make the Darth Vader voice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 990
You deserved it 35 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Luke, I am your fath.... YAAAAAHH! HELP! HELP!"


Let's be serious, we've all tried it. Not all of us got our hair caught, but we've tried it!! Lol

Oh please. You wouldn't know what the force was if it were to hit you full force in the face.

chocolatepandas 2


I guess you didn't know, the" force" of the fan was that strong.

perdix 29

Spoiler alert: So, you needed to call in Luke's grandfather.

Wait, what if it was Luke impersonating the voice of his father?

perdix 29

Or his sister, Princess Leia . . . oh, shit! I forgot to say Spoiler Alert!

Come to the dark side. We have shorter hair.

WearingHats 14

Darth Vader didn't even have hair. This story has so many split ends!

olpally 32

Hahaha... Totally reminds me of the movie "Tommy boy" with chris Farley doing this only the hair not getting caught in the fan... Lmao, yeah, you deserve this op.

I do that all the time so I can't really say YDI

BubbleGrunge 18

Did your Father cut your hair from the fan with a lightsaber?