By Anonymous - 04/05/2013 13:32 - United States - San Leandro

Today, I had to share my room with my cousin while she stayed over. I let her take my bed while I slept on the floor. Not only do my back and neck hurt, but I had to clean vomit out of my hair. Apparently, she "wasn't feeling well" last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 759
You deserved it 4 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick her. Don't kick her out of the house. Just kick her.

That's a little sickening, isn't it?


01Ben21 10

Oh man, I feel for you OP. Try not to beat her to bad.

Oh come on, that's what family is for.

Elfkid21 19

that's b.s. she should have gotten out of bad and not have thrown up on you!! i mean you were nice enough to give her the bed! personally if i was giving up my bed, (depending on the situation on whether or not to give up my bed in the first place!!) i woulda slept on the couch. why didn't she sleep on the couch to begn with???

Why the **** didn't you sleep on the couch? Or share the bed? Ydi for allowing yourself to get shafted to the floor.

I'm pretty sure there isn't anything else he could sleep on, there's a reason he slept on the floor. By the way, maybe he let her have the (possibly 1 person) bed because, you know, he's chivalrous or just not a complete douchebag.

brittany1143 5

I'm severely emetophobic I would've ended up in the hospital for a sever panic attack I am sorry OP but YDI for being too nice

meaganxo 14

"YDI for being too nice." Not only do I hate you, but if I were to meet you I would kill you.

Helldemon 32

@88 - Agreed @74 - Go f**k yourself.

Yummy, breakfast in bed... Just kiddin': so gross! FYL!

Note to self: Never sleep on the floor when someone isnt feeling well.