By Mike - 21/03/2009 15:38 - United States
Top comments
you'll never eat raisins again...
thats messed up but so funny at the same time lol srry. i think u shoulda left the room
DAMN!! that's gotta be some crazy kinky shit...70 years of experience right there lmao...
Old wrinkly skin rubbing yogether... ECK... Gross visual... I hope no hips were broken in this process... 20 minutes? Your g-pa is a stallion. Good life lesson.. NEVER sleep in their room again..
20 minutes? Viagra must be working
WOW....that kinda cool...lmao....they were hust havin fun....but OMG 70....
lol, way to go grandpa!!
o_______o Get some therapy as soon as you can. I say that in the most respectful, concerned way I possibly can manage...
20 minutes?! Way to go gramps.