By anna - 31/10/2013 18:27 - United States - Hattiesburg

Today, I had to take my 15-year-old son to the hospital. He'd gone out dressed as some My Little Pony character and encountered someone who'd had the same idea. They then got into a fistfight, and my son got the shit beaten out of him. I wish I'd never bred. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 381
You deserved it 9 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he was Honeysuckle. That one seems like a tough pony.


when I read the first part I was like oh no a hater then I saw the end such a shame the motto of the fandom which I am in is love and tolerate and op what a horrible thing to say about your son

nnnope 26
perdix 29

Sounds like you live in a rough… *Lowers sunglasses* Neigh- borhood.

When I was a teen I once dressed up as a Ninja Turtle and nobody had a problem with it. Except maybe my older brother, who hated them. It's only because I'm female and society still thinks girl stuff is supposed is inferior to boy stuff. Also to say something like that about your own son is just evil.

Because he lost u wish u never had him?!Horrible mother

Sounds like an after school special gone wrong. Unless if they make up and become the best of friends and decide the pony wasn't worth the drama.

fthku 13

Aren't you mother of the year?

Axel5238 29

Sounds like she's not happy because he's 15 and got in a fight over a my little pony costume.

What a horrible thing to say you wish you'd never bred... I feel sorry for your son to have a parent like you.