By Anonymous - 16/03/2013 17:31 - Sweden - Karlskrona

Today, I had to use a public bathroom. I'm pregnant, though I don't really suffer from morning sickness. I do however suffer from sympathy puking, which kicked in with horrifying consequences when someone burst in and started vomiting in one of the other stalls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 943
You deserved it 2 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good thing you were already in the bathroom.

3rdbass 9

You would be a great wingmate, puking with me so I wouldn't feel alone


Your body says no, but those mirror neurons say yes!

onorexveritas 23

I've never heard of that, o.o that would seriously suck. good thing you were already in the bathroom

At least you don't have morning (read: all day) sickness. I'd gladly toss my cookies in a bathroom stall once rather than suffer constant nausea. I've never vomited so much in my life.

I know this has nothing to do with the FML, but #40 i would suggest drinking lots of water and asking your ob/gyn (or even previously pregnant friends) what to do to stop the nausea. At least it mostly only lasts one trimester? :)

Thanks, 47, but I've tried every suggestion minus ginger tea (that's next) and zofran. Many OBs are reluctant to prescribe the latter unless you can't even keep fluids down, which isn't the case. Hopefully it only lasts the first trimester, but I've had several friends whom have experienced otherwise. Pregnancy is not pretty. T_T

I puked almost every single day of my pregnancy. For most, it stops about 12 weeks in. I was not so lucky:(

24 - Consider yourself lucky its never tasted good the second time, cause trust me, its thoroughly disturbing when it does

Zack6849 8

I'm not sure if this is correct, but Muslims and women in certain parts of the middle east wear those too, perhaps noor is Muslim?

:( I feel so sorry for you OP.. I'm not a sympathy puker, but I do gag or dry heave when others puke. I can't imagine how awful it is being pregnant with a higher sense of smell.

Hmm I'd never of sympathy puking before O.o Didn't know there was such a term!

I'm 58. I been using public bathrooms for at LEAST 54 of those years. Other than Army barracks latrines on a payday weekend I've NEVER heard a person puke in one! I'm calling bullshit!