By Liz - 09/04/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, I had to watch my neighbor's daughter for 10 hours. She wouldn't eat anything I had to offer, so I ordered a pizza for $19 + a $5 tip = $24. Her father came by to pick her up, thanked me, and gave me a $20 bill. I effectively just paid to watch his kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 960
You deserved it 19 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtfdidido 0

$20 for 10 hours is stupid. Why were you even willing to do something without knowing how much you'll get out of it?


You should have discussed payment ahead of time. That'd be your own fualt.


who pays 24 dollars for pizza

1. she must've been a hungry girl cuz thats alot of pizza for 24 dollars 2. did you have some of the pizza? if u did at least it didnt all go to waste

Don_fml 0

1. You were paid $20 for 10 hours of babysitting?! Going rate for my area is $40/day and 10 hours is worth another $20 for overtime. 2. NEVER placate children with food. If they won't eat what you offer, they're not that hungry. It's a hard lesson for kids to learn, but stick to your guns. 3. Go see your neighbor. Tell him in no uncertain terms that you consider $20 for 10 hours of babysitting to be unacceptable. If he refuses to ante up, tell him to lose your number.

Say you didn't buy that pizza... you still got paid only 2 bucks an hour. lawl.

you should get paid at least $6 an hour... but next time buy cheaper pizza, or tell the dad what happened.

you ATE the pizza too right!? u didnt pay to watch his daughter, u paid for you own dinner, and a too expensive one it seems.

you should have tipped $3 or $3 and change instead of $5 for a $19 (I assume $18 and change) bill which is probably close to a %26 tip