By Liz - 09/04/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, I had to watch my neighbor's daughter for 10 hours. She wouldn't eat anything I had to offer, so I ordered a pizza for $19 + a $5 tip = $24. Her father came by to pick her up, thanked me, and gave me a $20 bill. I effectively just paid to watch his kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 960
You deserved it 19 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtfdidido 0

$20 for 10 hours is stupid. Why were you even willing to do something without knowing how much you'll get out of it?


$20 for 10 hours, jesus. That's robbery.

baffledking042 0

-or you spent $4 for pizza, and he owes you a very big favor.

knowitall 1

I don't know why you took a job for 10 hours without being specific about pay. $20 is nowhere near enough, you should have been looking at $50-$75 at the very least. You also should not have ordered the pizza, especially if you were at the kid's house. If the kid didn't want to eat what they had- too bad. I put YDI, mostly because of the pizza thing.

You always talk to the parents about food before they leave.

These days babysitting is $10 per hour. And if you ordered the pizza, it should have come out of their pocket and not yours. They aren't your kids, you shouldn't have to pay for them.

#25... Your math sucks! 20 bucks for 10 hours is 2 dollars and hour.

imfromtexas02 0

20 dollars? That's, like, a dollar an hour!!1

Firstly, everyone else is right - you should tell parents about the food. Second, im sure he'd be more than happy to pay. Third - this girl doesn't sound very old, and im sure you could have just ordered by the slice. >_>;

10 ******* hours and all you got was a $20? that sucks one time i had to watch 7 kids for four hours and i only got $14 cuz she said she would only pay for 2 dollars per kid...

$19 for a pizza sounds about right for a large specialty from Pizza Hut, especially if prices have gone up. A medium 1 topping with tax was $10.27 when I worked there a few years ago, and I think a 1 topping large was around $15. A lot of those deals require you order a large at regular price or whatever and then you get an additional large for $5. If it was a local pizza place, then I would definitely believe it, as some are more expensive than the chain places (its like $12-14 for a medium from Pizza King). Sucks for you, though, only getting $20.