By Liz - 09/04/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, I had to watch my neighbor's daughter for 10 hours. She wouldn't eat anything I had to offer, so I ordered a pizza for $19 + a $5 tip = $24. Her father came by to pick her up, thanked me, and gave me a $20 bill. I effectively just paid to watch his kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 960
You deserved it 19 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtfdidido 0

$20 for 10 hours is stupid. Why were you even willing to do something without knowing how much you'll get out of it?


$19 for a pizza?! Where did you order it and why did you order such a large pizza?? And second, $2 an hour? Not ok

Oh hell no! Not sure what the minimum wage is where you live (in California it's $8.00/hour, most states around the same), but you should be demanding AT LEAST minimum wage for babysitting. Not to mention that caring for a human life in and of itself, is deserving of a little more than minimum wage. Never babysit for that guy again. And if that ever happens again, stand up for yourself!!!! Let him know that because his little brat wouldn't eat anything, you paid for food out of your own pocket. Not okay at all. Don't sell yourself short!

It's just $4. Maybe he thought you were doing him a favor. Favor = free. So the $20 was a bonus for you. It's not his fault you couldn't handle the demands of a child who refused to eat.

Some people are ridiculous and overpay for pizza. I ate a slice of my roommate's pizza the other day when I came home from my late-night job, thinking he'd want 50 cents or so. Turns out it cost more than $20.

dzidziaud 5

If you had told him, he probably would have paid you back for the pizza.

$20 is a really shitty pay for that amount of time, but you only lost $4. Besides, he didn't ask you to buy a pizza. You could have cooked something for the kid. I really do think he would have paid you back for the pizza. Also, the fact that he paid you $20 could either mean he's super cheap and you shouldn't watch his kid again, or he's not financially stable, and you should watch the kid to do something nice for him.

dreaammmx3 0

i would never buy pizza for a kid i babysit, its either they eat what they have, or starve. and one time i babysat for 4 hours and i got paid 40bucks and the whole time the kids were asleep.

C_Mques 0

Since when are pizzas $19 each and what an a**hole for only giving you $20 when he should have gave you at least $100 for 10 hours.

crayons_fml 0

ten hours and only twenty dollars?! never babysit this kid again!