By twoface_chick - 15/01/2015 07:28 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I have bad adult acne. This wouldn't be so bad, except that it's only on one side of my face. I look like a Batman villain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 232
You deserved it 2 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm assuming this breakout is on the side you sleep on. Wash your pillow case every second day, and use tea tree oil to spot treat pimples. Yea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and astringent. --aesthetician.

strange how some genes make you look like two face... I'm sorry OP Better find a two headed coin and make the best of a bad situation... COMICCON


"let me tell you the story about how got this acne"... you can always steal this reference from joker...

yomomonastick 9

it could be worse , it could be on both sides..

raichu23154 10

do your friends call you two face?

You've obviously never had chronic acne. Some people have it really bad for years and it doesn't go away.

have you tried washing your sheets? or maybe its an allergic reaction to whatever detergent you use, im just guessing that the side you have it on is the side you prefer to sleep on.

Isa_fml 20

If you don't already, make sure to wash/change your pillowcase few days. I've heard it helps a lot sometimes.

It might be from a dirty pillow/ pillowcase. Could be an allergic reaction or something simple.

smgc68 3

Murad acne clearing gel worked wonders for me. No matter what face wash I use it will clear up any break out in three days! They have a whole line of acne products but they're expensive so I just stick to the clearing gel.