By BathroomMuch - 25/12/2009 16:15 - United States

Today, I have been stuck in the bathroom. Apparently, my 8 year old son decided to sneak in some TurboLax into the juice we left out for Santa. Well played son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 872
You deserved it 7 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noidea_fml 3
LMFAO_fail 0

...You didn't HAVE to drink it. Pretty sure he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between down the drain and down your throat. I would never drink juice or especially milk that had been left out for a while. LOL


lara522 0

wow. does your son want presents or not?

YDI for either drinking Santa's juice or raising an idiot child. Either way you deserve it.

how is the child an idiot? He put laxatives into Santa's drink so Santa could stay so he could probably open up all the present meant for other little boys and girls. Yes I know Santa isn't real...

flashback.miss 28

santa is real, silly... hmmm hard to combine santa with a great prank. man, you got owned by an alex wanna-be.....

wow..that is definitely one smart 8 year old! you should be proud...he's definitely ahead of the game!

Has anyone else noticed the latest FML's have cliches at the end, like MLIA? gaaayyyy

I noticed it right away, but I don't think it has a sexuality.

It's kinda strange that a kid would do that you know, ambush Santa like that. He's just chillin' in his sleigh, next thing you know, he's got the runs, and the McEarcherns down the street get a little surprise in their toilet the next day in addition to the surprises under the tree.

YDI for perpetuating the ridiculous Santa Claus myth.

jennay8288 1

seriously man. santa loves bud light.

muffinsareyummy 1

i hope someday my kids are as epic as yours, sir.